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School Dinner Money Increase from September 2018

Please see attached a letter detailing the increase in the cost of school dinners from September 2018. Dinner money increase
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Phonics Screening Check Support

The children in Year 1 have been busy learning their phonics to help them read and write. They will be having the statutory phonics screening test on the week beginning the 11th June 2018. Just to remind parents that phonics games are available to help your child prepare for the assessment. They are stored in...
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Class 3: Spelling Assessment

Our final formal assessment of the Year 3 and 4 National Curriculum Word List will take place throughout the week beginning 21st May (a link to the word list can be found below).  It would be useful if the children can learn as many of these words as possible, with an understanding of the meaning...
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GDPR Privacy Notice Reminder

At the end of April we distributed a copy of Crayke Church of England Primary School’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) Privacy Notice.  Thank you to those that have already returned a signed copy, but if you haven’t already done so, please can you return it by the end of this week. Please click on the link...
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End of SATS Celebrations – Class 4 Only

As the last SATs assessment is on Thursday 17th May, we have decided to hold a “party” afternoon on Friday 18th May. Children can bring their own clothes to change into after lunch – if they would like to bring some party music or DVDs (only U rated original films) that would be fine. No...
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Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Dobson

I am pleased to inform you that Elvis Raymond Dobson was born this morning at 1.49am – weighing exactly 8 pounds!  Both mother and baby are doing really well…  
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Scafell Pike

After successfully climbing Mount Snowdon during the summer of 2016, and Ben Nevis last summer; the Buttery family are going to attempt to conquer Scafell Pike. Any money raised will be donated to CHASA (Crayke Home and School Association). Your support will be greatly appreciated when we attempt this challenge on Sunday 27th May 2018....
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Class 3 Science: Bug Habitats

As part of our science work, we will be using the forest schools classroom and garden area throughout the course of next week. One of our activities will be to make mini habitats for different bugs. Please could children bring in any natural materials in a named carrier bag that they think will be useful,...
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Carlton Lodge Parents’ Meeting (Year 5)

We will be holding a meeting in school on Monday 21st May at 3.45pm for parents/carers to discuss the upcoming residential to Carlton Lodge (Wednesday 6th – Friday 8th June 2018). At the meeting we will be able to show you photographs from last year’s residential and give you some general information. There will also...
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Run a Mile Club – Update

It has been wonderful to see so many children participating in our twice weekly Run a Mile Club.  Even though we have only had a relatively small number of sessions, it is clear that the children’s fitness levels are improving – I even managed an extra two laps this morning! Could I please remind parents...
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