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Reminder: Class 4 Forest Schools Session starts tomorrow

Just a reminder that Class 4 will be having some ‘Forest Schools’ sessions lead by Mrs Chandler and Mrs Helfferich on Tuesdays starting tomorrow.  Please can you ensure that your child/ren have warm clothes, full waterproofs and suitable footwear (wellies or walking boots) in school every Tuesday. Many Thanks,  
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Phonic Games Library

For children in Year 1 who are taking the phonics screening check this year, there will be a selection of phonics games available to “borrow” in the entrance hall from today, to support their work in class. Please remember to sign in and out any game that you borrow.  Any questions, please see Mrs Dobson.
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Scafell Pike

After successfully climbing Mount Snowdon during the summer of 2016, and Ben Nevis last summer; the Buttery family are going to attempt to conquer Scafell Pike. Any money raised will be donated to CHASA (Crayke Home and School Association).  Your support will be greatly appreciated when we attempt this challenge in May 2018. If you...
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Class 1: RSPB Wild Challenge

As part of Class 1’s RSPB ‘Wild Challenge’ we are collecting used stamps to save Albatrosses from extinction both at sea and on land.  Please can you save your stamps and send them into school – there will be a collection box available. Many thanks Class 1
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Year 2 Multiskills at Easingwold Secondary School tomorrow

Just a reminder that children in  Year 2 will be taking part in a cluster Multiskills event tomorrow afternoon –  Wednesday 7th February.  Children will be taken to Easingwold Secondary School by bus but will need collecting from the event at 3.30pm. Please ensure the children’s P.E. kits are in school as they will change for...
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Yorkshire Post – “Top of the Class”

As you will see below our school once again featured in the recent “Top of the Class” article published by the Yorkshire Post and the Harrogate Advertiser Series.  The article celebrates high attaining primary schools in Yorkshire – we are very proud to be one! A digital version of the feature can be seen below:...
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Music for Life 2018

Children throughout the school enjoyed a series of wonderful performances and workshops on Thursday 1st February.  The day started with a performance assembly which allowed everyone to learn more about percussion instruments. Following this, Class Three produced their own compositions based on the structure of the human body.  Class 4 were then inspired by the...
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Term Dates 2018/19

Please see attached the term dates for 2018/19 Holidays 2018
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World Book Day Date Thursday 1st March

Apologies, the date for World Book Day sent out on the previous post was incorrect – the correct date is Thursday 1st March.
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RE Day Friday 2nd February: Christingle Celebration

Dear Parent/Carer We will be holding an RE day in school tomorrow and at the end of the day the children will take part in a Christingle celebration.  Please can you ensure that your child/ren’s hair is tied back, if it long enough. Many thanks Mrs Sheppard
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