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Year 5 Discovery Day at Easingwold School on 23rd June

Year 5 children have been invited to take part in a Discovery Day at Easingwold School on Friday, 23rd June.  The children will be working with other children from the cluster schools in various workshops, including Technology, Science, Humanities and Languages.  They will be accompanied by Easingwold Secondary School students throughout the day. Children should...
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Snail Racing 15th June – Class 1 Only

Just a reminder that children in Class 1 need to bring in some snails for Snail Racing this Thursday 15th June. Many thanks Mrs Forshaw
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Parents’ Questionnaire Summer Term 2017 Results

As part of our annual cycle of self-evaluation we have asked parents/carers for their feedback. We are really pleased to say that there has been an overwhelmingly positive response to our questionnaires (we received 23 responses). Please click the link below for the results of the most recent survey: Parents Questionnaire Results 2017 Parents’ Questionnaire...
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Chance to Win National Book Tokens for You and Your School

Here at Crayke, we are passionate about reading. ‘National Book Tokens’ are currently running a competition to win £5000 of National Book Tokens for your school. This would be enough to buy hundreds of new books for the children. In addition to this, you could also win £100 of National Book Tokens to spend on...
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Bike, Trike, Scooter Day – Class 1 only

It’s bike, trike and scooter day on Tuesday 13th June for Class 1.  If possible, please could children bring a bike, trike or scooter, plus helmet to school  and we will ride them, draw them and label them during the day. If this is not possible for you, we have a small number of trikes...
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Pupil Voice

We asked the children at Crayke Church of England Primary School to give us their opinions about our School. Below is a selection of their comments, including direct quotes from a child in each year group: “I like all of the plays and productions we do because they boost your confidence.  It also helps us...
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Achievement Assemblies – Summer Term (second half)

Here are the dates for this half-terms Achievement Assemblies.  Please note that, due to a very busy half-term, Class 1’s achievement assembly will take place on a Tuesday morning rather than a Friday. Friday 30th June – Class 3 Tuesday 4th July – Class 1 Friday 7th July – Class 4 Friday 14th July – Class 2
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Dinner Money for this half-term – Summer 2017 (2)

There are various events/trips/transition days planned for this half-term, so please select the option below that applies to your child. Should you have any questions, please contact Mrs Bacon. Years 3 & 4 Dinner money due for this half-term  is £71.40 (7 weeks less 1 day for the trip to Beamish). Year 5  Dinner money due...
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Class 1 and 2 Swimming Lessons

Just a reminder that children in Class 1 and Class 2 will start a 6 week course of swimming lessons from this Thursday 8th June. Attached is a copy of the letter that was distributed to parents/carers before half-term with all the details.  If you haven’t already completed and returned the consent form, please can...
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Carlton Lodge 5th – 7th June – Year 5 only

Just a reminder that we will be holding a meeting in school tomorrow – Thursday 18th May at 3.45p.m. for parents/carers to discuss the upcoming residential to Carlton Lodge. Please can we also remind you to return the Consent form and Agreed conduct form as soon as possible to enable us to send the information...
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