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“Grass Heads” for Class 2

Week commencing 27th March, Class 2 will be making “grass heads” and so we would like to make a request for the children to bring in sheer natural tights for using in this project by Wednesday 29th March.  These flesh coloured tights can then be stuffed and will allow grass seed to grow through. Thank...
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Parent’s Evening – Class 1

For those parents of children in Class 1, who haven’t been to a parent’s evening in the Spring term before, just to let you know that this is the parent’s evening where you have the opportunity to look at your child’s books.  You may therefore wish to arrive a little earlier than your appointment time...
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Parent’s Evenings – Class 4

Mr Buttery sends his apologies, but unfortunately he is unable to attend Parent’s Evenings this week due to a sickness bug that he has had since the beginning of the week. Mrs Chandler will meet with Class 4 parents as arranged, however if you would like a word specifically with Mr Buttery he will be...
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Internet Safety Evening

Following the lack of attendance at last night’s meeting, all future information based meetings will have an email booking system.  If there’s insufficient interest the meeting won’t take place.
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Church ‘The Real Easter Egg’ Competition

As part of this half-terms homework in Class 2, 3 and 4, children were asked to submit an entry for ‘The Real Easter Egg’ Competition. If you would like school to submit your child/rens entry, please can you ensure that they are brought into school by Monday 13th March, so that we can get them...
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Lost Flashing Fish Ball

If your child has lost a small plastic ball with water and fish in that flashes when tapped, please see Mrs Bacon in the office.  It was found at the beginning of this week on the playground.
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Safety Campaign – Child Booster Seats

Further to our earlier post, here is a copy of the leaflet in a PDF format, as some of you were unable to open the Word attachment. car seat Information
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Growing Up In North Yorkshire Survey Results

Following an online questionnaire, which was completed by our Year 6 pupils from last academic year, we have received a report which focuses on personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education and wellbeing. The report compares the responses from 13 pupils from Crayke with 4266 responses from other children in North Yorkshire. As you will...
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Safety Campaign – Child Booster Seats

Between 13th and 19th of March, North Yorkshire Police are carrying out a safety campaign in relation to Seatbelts and  Child Booster seats.  The local PCSO’s will be engaging with parents outside schools in relation to this, however due to staffing,  they will not be able to visit every school in the area.  With this...
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Internet Safety Evening

I will be running an information evening for parents/ carers on Thursday 9th March at 6pm.  As part of the evening I will be covering a range of internet based topics, which will all be linked to theme of keeping your children safe online. I hope lots of you will be able to attend.
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