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Car Parking Outside School

Just a quick reminder  of the system for parking in the lay-by at school.  There are three lanes in the layby – the lane nearest to the main road and the shrub border, together with the middle lane, is for staff and visitor parking.  The third lane nearest to the pavement is allocated for parents...
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Class 4 Sportshall Athletics Final Tomorrow

Thank you to those who have returned their permission slips and voluntary contribution towards the coach for the Sportshall Athletics Final tomorrow at The Galtres Centre – Friday 27th January 11am – 3pm. If you haven’t returned your permission slip, please can you do so as soon as possible or telephone Mrs Bacon to give...
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Class 2 Talk for Writing Homework

  The Talk for Writing homework (Class 2) due in on 10/02/17 will now be carried over to next half-term’s homework sheet, so there will be no homework due on 10/02/17. Thank you, Miss Lawrie
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Senior Citizens Lunch

On Wednesday, 25th January, the senior citizens of Crayke will be holding their annual lunch at the Sports Hall to which some children are invited to attend – Year 6 to serve and Young Voices children to entertain. As a result, lunch will be brought forward by 15 minutes and start at 11.45am; this allow...
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Clothing Collection Wednesday 8th February

Help raise money for Crayke Primary School and The Firefighters Charity by donating your unwanted clothing, shoes, belts and handbags. We will distribute collection bags in the children’s book bags today.  Please put clean, dry clothing in one bag and paired shoes, belts and handbags in another.  No school uniforms (with or without logos), bedding/household...
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Class 3’s New English Topic – DVD on Monday 23rd January

To introduce Class 3’s new English topic of ‘Fantasy stories,’ we plan to watch the film ‘The Colour of Magic,’ based on the children’s story by Terry Pratchett, on Monday. As it is a certificate PG, please inform me if you DO NOT wish your child to participate. You may wish to look on the...
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Year 6 SATs Meeting Materials

Please find attached a copy of the PowerPoint used during the meeting on Thursday 19th January: Year 6 Parents SATs Workshop 19.01.17 In order support the children with the spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG) aspect of the assessments, please find attached the SPAG Companion: SATs Companion SPAG
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Class 4 Swimming Lessons Start This Week

Just a reminder that children in Class 4 will start their swimming sessions tomorrow – Thursday, 19th January for an eight week period. In addition to their swimming kit, children will need a packed lunch to eat when they arrive back at school.  As they will be having their lunch later than usual, a morning...
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Year 6 SATS meeting tomorrow afternoon

Just a reminder that the Year 6 SATS meeting will take place at school tomorrow – Thursday 19th January – at 4.30pm.
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Easingwold Cluster Sportshall Athletics – We Won!

Congratulations to all the boys and girls from Class Four, who worked together as an impeccably well behaved team, to win the Cluster Sportshall Athletics this afternoon. Crayke Church of England Primary School will now represent the Easingwold Cluster at the Hambleton  District Finals on 27th January.
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