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Wintry Conditions

Good morning parents/carers, you will have noticed that it has snowed. Please take extra care when travelling to school this morning. We will provide the children with the opportunity to play outside during break times unless the weather is too severe or conditions too dangerous. Therefore it is essential that children bring wellies (or something...
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Young Voices 2017

On Wednesday 11th January, children from Years 4, 5 and 6 travelled to the Motorpoint Arena in Sheffield to take part in the 2017 Young Voices concert, along with 1000s of other school children, to form one huge choir. A massive well done to all the children that took part; your behaviour and singing was...
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Year 6 SATs Meeting

If you have a child in Year 6, please read the attached invitation letter: Sats meeting
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Music for Life

Children throughout the school enjoyed a series of wonderful performances and workshops over the course of today.  We started the day with a performance assembly which allowed everyone to learn more about the bassoon and trumpet.  Class Three & Four then produced a healthy eating/living inspired performance; this allowed the children to demonstrate a range...
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Sportshall Athletics 13th January – Class 4 only

Just a reminder to return your consent slips for the Sportshall Athletics tournament at The Galtres Centre this Friday 13th January. This applies to children in Class 4 only, a copy of the letter can be found by opening the link below – sportshall-athletics-2017 Many thanks.
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Swimming Lessons – Class 4 only

Children in Class 4 will start their swimming sessions on Thursday, 19th January for an eight week period. We will be attending Thirsk Swimming pool for a half hour session between 11.30 a.m. and noon for five weeks prior to half term and three weeks after.  The voluntary contribution for these sessions is £2.50 per...
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January Census – Information Required

As part of the January census that the school has to complete, we need to record the number of children who have a parent/s in the armed forces.  Please can you confirm to Mrs Bacon in the office if either parent is a member of the armed forces, so we can ensure that our records...
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Music Lessons

All music lessons will re-start week commencing 9th January.
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Achievement Assemblies Spring Term 2017 – First Half

Here are the dates for this half-terms Achievement Assemblies – Friday 27th January – Class 3 Friday 3rd February – Class 1 Friday 10th February – Class 2 Friday 17th February – Class 4  
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Dinner Money for this Half-Term

Happy New Year! We hope you all had a good Christmas break. Dinner money for this half-term for children in Class 3 is £69.30 (6 weeks and 3 days)* Dinner money for this half-term for children in Class 4 is £56.70 (6 weeks and 3 days less 5 days for weekly swimming lessons starting 19th January...
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