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Class 3 – Home/School Record

Please can all children in Class 3 have their Home/School Record in their book bag every day. Additionally, homework books and spelling folders should be in your children’s book bag every Monday, to receive new spellings and homework. Many thanks for your assistance with this. Mrs Rayner
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Lost Plastic Green Miniature Halloween Figure

If your child has lost a small plastic green, white and purple Halloween figure on the playground this morning, it is now with Mrs Bacon in the office.
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Dinner Money for this Half-term

We hope you all had a good half-term break. Dinner money for this half term for children in Class 3 and Class 4 is £73.50 (cheques made payable to NYCC). If you have a dinner money credit from last term, you will be notified in a separate email. Thank you.
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Cross Country Festival Wednesday 2nd November – Class 3 and Class 4 only

Just a reminder that the reply slips for the Cluster Cross Country Festival on Wednesday, 2nd November at Easingwold Secondary School, were due back to school today. If you have not already responded, we should be grateful if you could do this by tomorrow.  Additional copies of the original letter that went out in book...
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Maths Evening Wednesday 2nd November

Just a reminder that on Wednesday 2nd November (6pm until approximately 7:30pm) we will be holding a maths evening for parents and carers of children from Reception to Year 6.  The evening is intended for parents/carers only and it is not expected that children will be present on this occasion. Your continued role in helping your...
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Welcome to our new website…

Welcome to the re-designed Crayke Church of England Primary School website.  We hope that you find it helpful and easy to use and that most importantly you are able to find what you are looking for. Please feel free to contact us with any suggestions or comments that you have about the site. We would...
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Head Lice

Unfortunately there are still several cases of head lice in school.  It would be great if we could eradicate these over the half-term holidays, so please could all parents check their children and if necessary, take remedial action with the whole family. Remember once a week, take a peek. Click here to open the NHS...
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Class 2 – Pirate Day Tuesday 8th November

On Tuesday 8th November,  Class 2 will be having a ‘Pirate Day’ as part of their topic work. The children will be visited by ‘Pirate Ron’ and have the opportunity to take part in a range of different activities throughout the day. It would be great if your child/children could come to school dressed up...
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Christmas Fair in aid of Yorkshire Cancer Research 8th November

A parent has asked us to distribute the attached poster promoting a Christmas Fair at The Durham Ox on Tuesday 8th November in aid of Yorkshire Cancer Research – a copy is also on the noticeboard. 201610201100  
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Class 4 Only – Film Reward 21st October

As part of Class 4’s reward session on Friday 21st October, we plan to watch a film and have some popcorn. The film we are planning on watching is ‘The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ from 2005. As it is a certificate PG, please inform me if you DO NOT wish...
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