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Year 6 Leavers’ Service

Next Friday (22/07/2016) it will be the Year 6 Leavers’ Service at the Church of St Cuthbert in Crayke.  The service will start at 1:15pm and will be an opportunity for everyone to wish our Year 6 children well.  I am more than happy for any Year 6 pupils wishing to leave from school on...
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Summer Production of The Tempest

The older children are working really hard towards their production of “The Tempest” and I know you will enjoy their endeavours. The dress rehearsal takes place on Monday, 18th July when Crayke Playgroup will be coming to join us.  The first performance is on Tuesday, 19th July at 2.00pm, with the evening performance starting at...
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DB Primary unavailable from Wednesday 13th July

Just to let you know that, from Wednesday 13th July, DB Primary will be unavailable whilst we prepare for the autumn term.
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Class 4 Only – Relationships and Sex Education

Unfortunately, due to the Bikeability training finishing slightly later than expected, we have not been able to show the Relationship and Sex Education DVD as planned to children in Class 4 today. This has been rescheduled for Tuesday 12th July and current permissions will be carried over to the new date.
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Class 4 Only – Summer Performance

We plan to use face paints for some of the characters for the Summer Performance and also coloured hairspray.  If you do not wish your child/ren to have their face painted or hair colour sprayed, please can you let us know by e-mail to or by phone to Mrs Bacon in the office.
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Whole School Trip to The Deep Monday 11th July

Just a reminder that, on Monday, 11th July, the whole school will be visiting The Deep at Hull. We will travel by coach, leaving school at 8.30am and returning back for approx. 4.00pm, when children will be taken back into school where parents will collect them.  Children should wear their school uniform as this makes...
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School Trip 11th July – Arrangements for Bus Children

For those parents/carers whose children travel to and from school on the Morse bus, please note that the bus will collect children 15 minutes earlier on Monday 11th July, so that they arrive in time to get on the bus for the school trip at 8.30am. The bus will NOT be able to collect children...
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Year 6 only – Bikeability Training Thursday 7th July

Just a reminder to parents/carers of children in Year 6 who are doing the Bikeability training tomorrow, to bring their bikes and helmets to school in the morning.  It may also be useful to send your child with a waterproof coat in case of rain.    
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Year 6 Results/Reports

Year 6 SATs results will be made available via NCA Tools on Tuesday, 5th July. It is our intention to make these results, and the end of year reports for Year 6 children only, available on Tuesday. As some of our children are at Easingwold School for their transition days, their reports/results will be available...
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Race for Life – Update

Each one of our children took part in Crayke’s Race for Life today.  The effort put in was wonderful; the children really enjoyed themselves and quite rightly were rewarded with their medals. Class 4 did a wonderful job leading the warm ups and keeping track of how many laps had been completed.  They then presented...
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