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Swimming Lessons Class 1 and Class 2

Following the success of last year’s swimming lessons for children in Classes 1 and 2, we shall once again be using funding from our Sports Grant to provide these children with a six week swimming programme at Thirsk Swimming Pool starting on Thursday, 9th June and finishing on 14th July.  The cost of the coach...
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Tennis lessons for Class 3 only

Class 3 will be starting tennis lessons at Crayke Sports Hall on Tuesday 7th June, so please can parents/carers make sure that their child/ren have their full P.E. kit in school on that day and every Tuesday until the end of term. Many thanks.
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Team Point Winners This Week

As Mr Buttery is still away with the Year 6 children in East Barnby, there will be no Chronicle this week.  However, we are delighted to report that Yellow Team are the winners of this week’s team points. We wish you all a great half-term holiday next week and let’s hope we get some nice...
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The Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration

To celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday we are planning on holding a street party style afternoon tea at school on Friday 10th June. In each class, we will be spending the morning making our own decorations and delicious goodies to share together in the afternoon.   For this to be possible we would kindly request a...
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Whole School Photograph

Tempest Photography will be taking a whole school photograph on the morning of  Thursday 9th June, so please can you make sure your child has their school sweatshirt in school on that day, so we all look great for the photograph! Many thanks.
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Year 6 Pupils at East Barnby

We have just received the following picture from Mr Buttery at East Barnby.  Everyone has settled in really well and they are looking forward to the afternoon activities. Also just to let you know, as Mr Buttery is away at East Barnby, there will be no Chronicle this week.  
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Information for Year 5 Parents/Carers only

From next Monday 23rd May, children in Year 5, will be starting to paint the backdrop for the summer production.  Please can the children bring in some old clothes to wear when painting, in case they get some paint on their clothes – thank you.
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Information for Class 2 Parents/Carers only

Due to the children in Class 2 sitting KS1 tests this morning and attending the Planetarium, the 10 times table test that was planned for today, has been postponed until Tuesday 24th May.
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East Barnby – Information for Year 6 Parents

Just a reminder that the coach for Year 6 pupils going to East Barnby, will be leaving school on Monday, 23rd May at 8.20 a.m. promptly. The coach is expected back at school on Friday, 27th May at approximately 4.00 p.m.  Please will you be at school to collect your child at 4.00 p.m. If...
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Information for Class 1 Parents Only

The Planetarium (which has been kindly provided by a generous donation from CHASA) is taking place this Friday 20th May.  If possible, could parents/carers of children in Class 1, please take their children to Crayke Sports Hall for 8.55am on Friday morning. The children who travel to school on the bus, will be walked to...
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