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Home School Values – Responsibility

Our special value this half term is responsibility. It would be wonderful to see a large proportion of the children taking part in the home-school challenge. You can explore this value at home using this resource: responsibility It was wonderful to hear from the Children the new responsibilities they have taken on at home…
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Children & Families Service Programme

Please find attached the new Hambleton South, Children & Families Service programme of activities for April – July, taking place in the Thirsk and Easingwold areas for your information. Hambleton South CC Prog Apr – Jul 16
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Extreme Reading Photographs

Thank you to all those children and parents who have sent in their extreme reading photographs – there have been some really interesting places that have been chosen!
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Bread rolls and cakes that need a home!

Following on from the Open Garden weekend, Mrs. Helfferich has packs of white rolls and some cakes left over and she is offering them to parents for 50p per pack.  If you are interested, please contact Mrs. Helfferich on 07879 811620.
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dB Primary Home-School Agreement

Dear Parents and Carers, your child should have returned home with a dB Primary home-school agreement this afternoon.  Could you please read through this with your child and discuss its contents. Please sign and then return the agreement to school.  Once we have received this we will issue your child with their own dB Primary...
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Dinner money for next half term

Please make a note in your diaries the dinner money amounts for next half term.  These are different for both Class 3 and 4 due to residential visits and class trips.  As usual, cheques should be made payable to NYCC. Year 6     £60.90 Year 5     £71.40 Year 4     £69.30...
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Y6 Revision Tool

Please find below a shortcut to various Year 6 maths revision tools which can be accessed over the Easter period. SATS VIDEOS Choose Your Topic and Click the Links
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Class Three’s Amazing Constructions

The children in Class Three have worked exceptionally hard first designing and then making a model visitor centre for the Yorkshire Dales National Park. As you will see in the picture Gaby and  Ted’s design was selected as the winning model.  Chris and Richard from the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority judged the entries, which...
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Term Dates 2016/17

Autumn Term           –           Tuesday, 6th September to Friday, 16th December, 2016 Half Term        –           Monday, 24th October to return on Monday, 31st October Spring Term              –           Wednesday, 4th January to Friday, 7th April, 2017 Half Term        –           Monday, 20th February to return on Monday, 27th February Summer Term           –           Tuesday, 25th April to Friday, 21st...
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