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Easter times for your diary

Just to confirm that the Easter Service in Church tomorrow is at 2.00 p.m. and school will finish for the Easter break at 2.30 p.m. on Thursday, 24th March.
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Additional Key Stage 1 (Year 2) Assessment Information

Following on from yesterday’s meeting about the early administration of the KS1 (Key Stage 1) English grammar, punctuation and spelling test, I would like to make parents/carers aware of the following points: At the end of Year 2, children will take tests in: English grammar, punctuation and spelling Reading Maths Key Stage One Reading: The...
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Year 6 Parents’ Meeting re East Barnby

In preparation for the residential visit to East Barnby in May, there will be a meeting for all parents and children at Sutton on the Forest School on Tuesday, 19th April at 5.00 p.m. when a member of staff from East Barnby Outdoor Education Centre will be available to give more detailed information on the activities...
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Class 4 Reward Session

This week, as part of Class 4’s reward session (which they build their signatures up for), we will be watching a film and having popcorn! The film we will be watching is ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’. This film is a PG, therefore please inform me if you DO NOT wish your child to participate. Mrs Chandler
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Mrs. Yates’ Easter Competition

Don’t forget to get your entries in for Mrs. Yates’ Easter competition to draw either Easter eggs or bunnies!
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General Kitchen Assistant Required Desperately!

North Yorkshire County Caterers are in desperate need of a general kitchen assistant to assist Mrs. Yates in the kitchen at Crayke School.  This would be for 2 hours per day, 11 a.m. until 1.00 p.m.  Should anyone be interested, please contact Mrs. Cotterill who will put you in touch with the appropriate staff.
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Last Minute Arrangements for Sport Relief

As previously mentioned, children are invited to come to school tomorrow in sporting clothing suitable for taking part in our mud-stacle course and fun run in aid of Sport Relief.  Should the children get completely covered, P.E. kit can be changed into. A minimum donation of £2 per child for taking part in the mud-stacle...
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Crayke Open Weekend

If you are a Crayke resident, you should by now know that the weekend of 9th and 10th April is the village ‘open weekend’.  Although it is the last weekend of the Easter holidays, we hope that many families will be able to come and enjoy the weekend.  The Governors are going to be opening...
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Class 2 “Message in a Bottle”

As part of their literacy work in Class 2, the children will be composing messages to pop in bottles.  With this in mind, please could all the children bring in a clear plastic bottle for Friday, 18th March.  Thank you.
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Crayke Mud-stacle Course for Sport Relief!  

As previously mentioned, this year for Sport Relief we will be holding a “Mud-stacle Course” for the children to take part in.  As the name suggests, the children will be tackling various obstacles on the school field and with the field suffering after the wet weather, there will certainly be an element of mud involved! ...
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