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Microbiology in Class 4

I would like to thank Mrs Featherstone for coming into school to share both her expertise and equipment on Tuesday.  The children used agar plates to culture micro-organisms, learned about how microbes are used in food production and looked at a range of micro-organisms through some very powerful microscopes.  
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Class 4 Visit to Murton Park

In view of the weather forecast for cold weather on Monday for Class 4’s visit to Murton Park Danelaw Centre, it is essential that, as all the activities will take place outside, all children have a warm coat and sturdy footwear or Wellington boots.  Don’t forget a packed lunch.
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KS2 Success!

Dear parents and carers, we are delighted to share with you a letter we received today.  As you will read, the letter congratulates our school on 100% of our pupils making expected progress from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 (a large number of children made more than expected progress).
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Children in Need – Champions of Change

Class Four did any outstanding job successfully planning, resourcing and running a number of stalls for Children in Need this afternoon.  They certainly are Champions of Change! I would like to thank everyone for your generous support, and will provide you with the final amount of money our school has raised in next week’s Chronicle.
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Children in Need

In addition to the stalls the children will be running for Children in Need, we also have available 45 Children in Need wristbands in a variety of colours for a donation of £1 each.
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Children in Need

On Friday 13th November children will be invited to attend school in non-uniform.  A suggested donation of £1 will be made to Children in Need.  In the afternoon, pupils from Class 4 will be running a variety of stalls, which will hopefully raise even more money.  Each class will have the opportunity to visit the...
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School Council’s bid to design a new sports kit

The School Council have been putting together some bespoke designs for a new sports kit for our school. They have agreed upon three designs and wanted to receive feedback on the school website from parents, carers and pupil’s.   Please e-mail the school –  (pupils can put their comments in the ‘school council’ box in...
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Home School Values – Generosity

Our special value this half term is Generosity.  It would be wonderful to see a large proportion of the children taking part in the home-school challenge.  You can explore this value at home using this resource: Generosity
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Cluster Cross Country

A massive well done to all the children who represented the school so successfully at Wednesday’s Cross Country Competition.  All the children put a huge amount of effort into their races and were a real credit to our school.  Children who finished in the first twelve will compete in the regional finals at Knayton Park...
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Cross Country Success

Following the success of the children who took part in the cross country yesterday, could any children who took home their certificates/medals please bring these back into school so that a group photo can be taken.  Thank you.
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