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Class 1 – Forest Schools

As children in Class 1 will be doing Forest Schools tomorrow, please could you ensure that all children have waterproof coats, trousers, wellies, etc. for being outside all afternoon.  Thank you.
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Snowy Conditions

In view of the weather and the forecast, could you please ensure that all children have wellies or some form of waterproof boot so that they are able to go out at breaktime – spare socks and tights would be a boon as well!
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Senior Citizens Lunch

Tomorrow, Wednesday, 14th January, the senior citizens of Crayke will be holding their annual lunch at the Sports Hall to which some children are invited to attend – Y6 to serve and some younger children to entertain.  As a result, lunch will be brought forward by 15 mins and start at  11.45 a.m. to allow...
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Christingle Service

The Christingle Service this year will be held i school on Friday, 30th January at 2.45 p.m.  In preparation for this, we shall be sending home tonight collection boxes for the children to make and fill.  Thank you.
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Classes 2 and 4 Curriculum Letters

Due to an unexplained problem in uploading the curriculum letters for both Classes 2 and 4, these will now be coming home in paper copy with the children.
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Arrival Time of Theatre Trip

I have just been informed that the coaches are leaving Leeds in the next couple of minutes, so I anticipate that they will be back at school approx. 4.15 p.m. depending on traffic.  As previously stated, please let the children come into their classrooms and collect them from there.  If I hear anything to the...
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