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Reminder about parking in the layby

Just a quick reminder concerning parking in the layby, especially in the morning when parents are dropping off children, as congestion is again occurring.  As previously stated, the lane nearest to the main road the shrub border, together with the middle lane, is for staff and visitor parking.  The lane nearest to the pavement is...
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Oops! No Martial Arts tomorrow night.

Sorry, no martial arts club tomorrow night, not tonight!
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No Martial Arts tonight!

No Martial Arts club tonight – starts next week.
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Happy New Year!

A very Happy New Year to you all and welcome back to the new Spring Term. On behalf of all the staff at Crayke, may I say a big thank you for all your good wishes, cards and gifts before the Christmas holidays; they were very much appreciated. The Spring Term is always a hardworking...
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Reminders for End of Term

Just a quick reminder that the Christingle Service is at the Church tomorrow, Thursday, 19th December at 2.00 p.m.  For health and safety reasons, could you please ensure that girls with long hair all have it tied back for the service. The last day of term is a free non-uniform day and school finishes at...
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Returning to school after sickness

Could I please remind parents that if your child is away from school due to sickness or a tummy upset, children should not return to school until 48 hours after the last bout of illness.  This policy is to try and prevent the spread of any illness, especially at this time of year when children...
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Letter from the Governors

Today, the children have been given a letter written by the Governors for your information.  Please find it in your child’s bag.  Thank you.
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The Three Sillies Production

All children will be going to the Sports Hall on Friday afternoon to watch a performance of The Three Sillies by Rural Arts.  The performance will last approx. 1 hour and then children will be brought back to school for collection by parents at the normal time.
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Christmas Party

The children will be having their school Christmas party on Tuesday, 17th December. May I request that a reasonable amount of food is brought in to school. Parents have always been extremely generous at Christmas time, but if large amounts of food are brought in, there is much wastage. Please could you help by providing...
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Arrangements for Christmas Nativity

I’m sure that you are all aware that preparations for the Christmas Nativity are now in full swing.  The dress rehearsal takes place on Monday, 9th December when Crayke Playgroup will be coming to join us together with the whole school.  The afternoon performance, to which everyone is welcome, is on Tuesday, 10th December and begins at...
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