Tel. 01347 821767



Visits to Fountains Abbey

Could I please just remind everyone who has children in Years 1 – 6 that they need to give their permission for the visits to Fountains Abbey on Wednesday and Thursday next week.  Thank you.
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Nativity Play at Crayke Church

Victoria Watts will be presenting a Nativity Play in Crayke Church on Christmas Eve again this year.  If your child is interested in taking part, please contact Victoria on 01904 479196.  Thanks.
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Congratulations to the Cross Country Teams!

A very well deserved congratulations to everyone who took part in the cross country event at Easingwold School on Friday.  The children all did brilliantly despite the cold and the mud!
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Children in Need Cake Stall

Just a quick reminder to getting those aprons on over the weekend and bake some lovely yummy goods for Monday’s cake stall.  All donations very gratefully received. Thanks!
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Class 1 Achievement Assembly is tomorrow

Just a quick reminder to Class 1 parents about their children’s achievement assembly tomorrow.  Other achievement assembly dates are marked in the calendar for your information. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
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Problems with Parking!

In view of recent safety incidents involving children in car parking areas, the Governors would like to remind everyone of the system for parking in the layby. There are three lanes in the layby. The lane nearest to the main road and the shrub border, together with the middle lane, is for staff and visitor...
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Made Up for Children in Need

This year the children have decided to be “Made Up for Children in Need”.  On Friday, 15th November, hildren can wear make up, paint their nails, do wierd and wacky things with their hair and, of course, come in non-uniform.  There will be the usual donation of £1 per child towards this charity (more if...
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Unfortunately I have been informed of a couple of cases of headlice in school.  Would all parents please check their children and take appropriate action with the whole family if necessary.  Thank you.
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Hockey at the Galtres Centre

Starting on Monday, 18th November from 4.45 – 5.45 p.m. there is an opportunity for Y3-6 children to play hockey.  Contact Sarah Lawrence to confirm a place on
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Healthy Snacks at Breaktime

A gentle reminder that we like to encourage the children to eat healthily in line with our Healthy Schools policy and we have a long established routine whereby children bring a healthy snack for morning break, e.g. a piece of fruit, vegetable or dried fruit.  Crisps, biscuits or sweets are not permitted.  In Classes 1...
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