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Crayke Chronicle 28th February

PDF-Crayke-Chronicle-28.02.20 WORD-Crayke-Chronicle-28.02.20
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Head Lice

Unfortunately there are several cases of head lice in school again.  Please could all parents check their children and if necessary, take remedial action with the whole family over the weekend. Click here to open the NHS website with information regarding how to treat head lice. Many thanks for your co-operation.    
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Year 5 Library Visit 10th March

To parents/carers of children in Year 5, On Tuesday 10th March, Year 5 have been invited to visit Easingwold Library for the morning. This is a fully funded visit including the use of a minibus. The children will have the opportunity to learn how a library works, understand some history of the library building and...
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Class 1 New Teacher Appointment from the Summer Term

Please see the attached letter confirming the new Class 1 teacher appointment. CH appointment letter to parents
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Nut allergy awareness – information letter

Please find attached a letter for parents and carers providing further information about nut allergies.  We hope you find it useful. Nut awareness
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Reminder: Galtres Run Logo Competition – new deadline 1st March

We have been asked to pass on the following message by the organisers of the Galtre Run – “I am organising the Galtres Fun Run on Sunday 28th June 2020 and we need a logo. Could your children be encouraged to design a circular logo to go on our promotion and advertising material.  Something that shouts Easingwold and Running. Designs...
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Dinner Money Spring Term (second half)

Dinner money for this half term is now due for children in Class 3 and Class 4. The total amount due for children in Years 3 and 4 is £76.85 which is for 6 weeks less 1 day for their school trip this week.  For children in Years 5 and 6 it is £79.50 which is...
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Class 3 Trip to Newcastle Centre for Life this Thursday 27th February

Dear Parents/Carers of children in Class 3 We are getting very excited for our trip to Newcastle Centre for Life this Thursday. Please remember to send your child with a packed lunch and note that we are not due back until 4.30pm.  If your child requires travel sickness tablets on the day, please give them...
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Phonic Games Library – Year 1 only

For children in Year 1 who are taking the phonics screening check this year, there will be a selection of phonics games available to “borrow” in the entrance hall from tomorrow, to support their work in class. Please remember to sign in and out any game that you borrow.  Any questions, please see Mrs Dobson.
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Run a Mile Club CANCELLED this week – 25th and 27th February 2020

Unfortunately, due to the field being so wet, we have no alternative but to cancel the Run a Mile Club this week.  Hopefully it will dry up sufficiently for us to recommence the club next week. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
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