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Dinner Money Spring Term (first half)

Dinner money for this half term is now due for children in Class 3 and Class 4. The total amount due for children in Years 3 and 4 is £76.85 which is for 6 weeks less 1 training day.  For children in Years 5 and 6 it is £74.20 (as they have a school trip...
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Introductory Letter from Mrs Jackson

Please find below a link to the letter that will be sent home in book bags with the children this afternoon. Introductory Letter Jan 2020
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Clothing Collection Monday 13th January

Help raise money for Crayke Primary School and The Firefighters Charity by donating your unwanted clothing, shoes, belts and handbags. Please put clean, dry clothing in one bag and paired shoes, belts and handbags in another (any bag will do – bags are no longer provided).  No school uniforms (with or without logos), bedding/household linen,...
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County Music Lessons: Piano starts tomorrow Tuesday 7th January

Please note that Piano lessons will recommence tomorrow – Tuesday 7th January, so if your child usually has a piano lesson in school, please can they bring in their music.
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Reminder: Class 4’s Stunning Start TOMORROW Tuesday 7th January

Dear Parents/Carers of children in Class 4 Just a reminder that Class 4 are looking forward to their new Spring topic of ‘Journeys’ and with this in mind, could children come to school tomorrow – Tuesday 7th January, for our ‘stunning start’, dressed for a journey! It could be any journey they would like to...
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Welcome Back

Dear Parents/Carers Happy New Year and I hope you’ve all had a restful holiday. On behalf of the staff team I would like to welcome all pupils back to school tomorrow ready for the new term ahead.   An introductory letter will be sent home with your child/ren tomorrow and I look forward to meeting you...
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Lost Property: please can you check at home for the following…

Following the nativity performances last week, a girl in Class 2 has lost a pair of dance leggings which are part of a special set, so we would be most grateful if you could check your costume bags to see if you may have them.  The leggings are age 4/5, black with a neon stripe...
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One last post…

I would like to say how grateful and humbled I am by how many parents/carers (past & present) attended the gathering this morning. The gifts I have received are truly wonderful; however, it is the kind words that have been written and spoken that will stay with me… Yours sincerely, Mr. Andrew Buttery
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Lost Property

As you can see from the photograph there is currently a large amount of lost property in school. Prior to the children attempting to identify their belongings, I would like to offer parents/carers the opportunity to look at the collection of items before the start of school this morning. I will be in the playground from...
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IMPORTANT CLASS 2: Forest Schools Session Thursday 19th December

Class 2 will still be continuing with their Forest School sessions tomorrow afternoon, so please can you ensure that your child/ren has suitable waterproof clothing in school.  Children will go outside for these sessions whatever the weather so please can you provide your child with wellingtons, waterproof trousers (if possible), warm jumpers/fleeces, warm coat, hat,...
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