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Reminder: Class 3’s Fabulous Finish Tuesday 10th December

Just to remind parents/carers of children in Class 3, that you are welcome to join our Class 3 ‘Fabulous Finish’ on Tuesday 10th December from 2pm until 3.10pm. The children have been working extremely hard on our topic ‘Our Blue Planet’ and are excited to share a range of work that they have produced. The...
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Class 1 and Class 2 Nativity: Costume Reminder

Dear Parents/Carers Just a reminder that if you haven’t already done so, please can you ensure that your child’s costume for the nativity performance  is in school by MONDAY LATEST. Also, please can children in Class 2 bring in a coat hanger and plastic carrier bag on Monday. Thank you for your continued support. Mrs...
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Reminder: Minster FM Toy Appeal 2019

Just a reminder that Minster FM  will be collecting our donations on the morning of Wednesday 11th December. While most of us look forward to Christmas there are some children for whom it is just another day. Every year there are families who through no fault of their own dread the thought of the festive...
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Young Leaders Award – Archbishop of York Youth Trust

I would like to congratulate the children in Class 4, who have recently completed the Archbishop of York’s Young Leaders Award. Such a project has a vital place in our school’s Christian vision to develop the whole child and to live life in all its fullness. Such fullness is not found in simply bettering ourselves...
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Class 1 Christmas Experience Trip Tomorrow – Thursday 5th December

Dear Parents/Carers of children in Class 1 Just to remind you that children in Class 1 should arrive in school by 8.50am tomorrow, to ensure a swift departure at 9am for their Christmas Experience trip. Many thanks
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Christmas Lunch Tuesday 17th December

Dear Parents/Carers As you may know the school Christmas Lunch will be taking place on Tuesday 17th December.  If your child is normally a packed lunch, but would prefer to have the Christmas lunch on this day, please let Mrs. Bacon know before the end of next week. Many thanks
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Donated Christmas Tree

Once again this year we have been kindly donated a Christmas tree, for the school hall, from Newburgh Priory Christmas Trees; a flyer about their Christmas trees and shop was sent home with the children yesterday. I am sure you will agree that the tree looks wonderful adorned with the children’s decorations…
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Minster FM Toy Appeal

Dear parents and carers, I have just received confirmation that Minster FM will be collecting our donations on the morning of Wednesday 11th December. As stated on the Minster FM website the toy must be brand new and unwrapped so that it can be given to a child of the correct age.  
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Forest School Sessions

Please can you ensure that your child/ren have warm clothes, full waterproofs and suitable footwear (wellies or walking boots) in school on a Thursday (Class Two) and Friday (Class One). We will be running a shorter outdoor session tomorrow, however, it is still essential that the children have appropriate clothing.
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Before and After School Clubs – Important Information

Dear parents and carers, I wanted to make you ware that all staff run clubs will be stopping after Thursday 5th December. The finial Multisports session will take place on Tuesday 10th December. Unfortunately, due to the weather forecast for today and the already saturated ground, Mr. Warriner’s Football Club is cancelled this afternoon. As...
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