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Year 5/6 Residential Visits in 2020

Just to let you know the details regarding the residential visits for Years 5 and 6 during the  summer term 2020. Year 6 will, as usual, be joining pupils from other cluster schools to visit East Barnby Outdoor Education Centre week commencing 15th June 2020 .  The all inclusive cost for the 5 days   is...
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School Fund Statement 2018/19

Following a recent finance meeting, here is a link to the approved School Fund Account for 2018/19 School Fund Statement 2018.19
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‘Easyfundraising’ for Crayke C of E Primary School

If you are Christmas shopping online this year please sign up to and help raise money for school with minimum effort! Please see the link below for details. easy
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Minster FM Toy Appeal 2019

This Christmas Crayke Church of England Primary School have once again decided to support the Minster FM Toy Appeal. ‘While most of us look forward to Christmas there are some children for whom it is just another day. Every year there are families who through no fault of their own dread the thought of the...
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Construction/Creative Club CANCELLED 28th November

Due to Mrs Sheppard attending a training course on Thursday 28th November, there will be no Construction/Creative Club taking place after school on that day.
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Illness In School

It is that time of year again when the children (and staff) are suffering from various bugs and cold viruses. The cold virus going around at the moment seems to be quite aggressive, with children suffering from high temperatures and generally feeling very unwell, so if that is the case, you need to decide whether...
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Class 3’s ‘Fabulous Finish’

For parents/carers of children in Class 3: We would like to welcome you to our Class 3 ‘Fabulous Finish’ on Tuesday 10th December from 2pm until 3.10pm. The children have been working extremely hard on our topic ‘Our Blue Planet’ and are excited to share a range of work that they have produced. The children...
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Sewing Club and Book Club CANCELLED this week

Due to staff illness this week, Mrs Dobson will not be running her Sewing Club today (20th November) and Mrs Rayner will not be running her Book Club tomorrow (21st November) after school. Apologies for any convenience caused.
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Mr. Buttery’s Before and After School Clubs

Dear parents and carers, as you are aware I will be returning to work on Tuesday (19/11/2019). Following medical advice, I wanted to inform you that the before and after school clubs that I run (Tag Rugby, Run a Mile and School Council), will not be taking place until further notice. Yours sincerely, Mr. Andrew...
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Book Club CANCELLED after school

Unfortunately Mrs Rayner is off school sick today, so Book Club has had to be cancelled after school. Apologies for any inconvenience caused due to the short notice.
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