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Reminder: BBC Children In Need This Friday 15th November

Just a reminder that this Friday children are  invited to attend school in non-uniform for Children In Need –  so anything spotty or brightly coloured! A suggested donation of £1 will be made to Children in Need.  Please can children in Class 1 bring their donation into school in a named sealed envelope. In the...
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Mr. Buttery

Dear Parents/Carers, I am writing to inform you that I will be returning to school on Tuesday 19th November. Unfortunately I suffered a number of postoperative complications that resulted in a protracted period of absence. I would like to thank the wonderful staff team at Crayke for ensuring the smooth running of the school during...
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Reminder: Arrival at School and Playground Supervision

Just a reminder that it’s a parent/carer’s responsibility to supervise their child/ren in the school grounds before 8.50am until a member of staff is on the playground. Many thanks for your co-operation.
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Forest Schools After School Club CANCELLED 12th November and 19th November

Please note that there will be no Forest Schools Club tomorrow and the week after, as all staff are having First Aid Training.
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Class 4 Trip to Murton Park Danelaw Village

Class 4 had a wonderful trip to Murton Park Danelaw Village this Thursday – we really and truly felt what it was like to be an Anglo-Saxon villager (even the weather helped us have an authentic experience!) Activities included making an oil lamp, grinding wheat using a quernstone, collecting wood and even protecting our village...
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Cross Country Success at North Yorkshire Sport Finals!

A massive well done to Martha Brookes who represented the school so successfully on Tuesday 5th November in the Level 3 North Yorkshire Sport Finals at Dalby Forest. Martha  put a huge amount of effort into her race in very wet and muddy conditions and was a real credit to our school.  She came 9th...
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BBC Children In Need Friday 15th November

On Friday 15th November children are  invited to attend school in non-uniform for Children In Need –  so anything spotty or brightly coloured! A suggested donation of £1 will be made to Children in Need.  Please can children in Class 1 bring their donation into school in a named sealed envelope. In the afternoon, pupils...
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Mr Buttery further update 6th November

Dear Parents/Carers Following a medical assessment yesterday, unfortunately Mr Buttery has been signed off work for a further two weeks, so will not be back in school until 19th November at the earliest. As a result of this, all clubs run by Mr Buttery are cancelled until further notice; these include Tag Rugby, Run a...
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School Photographs Ready to Collect

If you have ordered a school photograph from Lafayette Photography, these are now in the office ready to collect.
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Crayke Bonfire Tonight 5th November

The Crayke Sports Hall Committee has asked us to pass on the following information about tonight’s village bonfire. Gates Open 6pm Bonfire Lit 6.30pm Fireworks 7pm Please can we ask everyone to park considerately and safely with respect for local residents.
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