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Dinner Money Autumn Term (second half)

Dinner money for this half term is now due for children in Class 3 and Class 4. The total amount due for children in Years 3 and 4 is £92.75 which is for 7 weeks.  For children in Year 5 it is £90.10 (as they have a school trip on 7th November) and for children...
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Reminder: Class 4 Trip Thursday 7th November

Dear Parents/Carers of children in Class 4 If you haven’t already done so, please can you return your consent form for the Class 4 trip this coming Thursday, as soon as possible. If you require another copy of the letter, please let me know. Many thanks Mrs Bacon
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Class 1 Achievement Assembly Postponed

Dear Parents/Carers of children in Class 1 Unfortunately, as Mr Buttery won’t be in school this week, Class 1’s Achievement Assembly scheduled to take place this Friday has been postponed again.  When Mr Buttery is back in school, we will reschedule a new date and let you know. Thank you.
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After School Club Cancellations week commencing 4th November

Just a reminder that the following clubs will NOT be taking place this week – TAG RUGBY RUN A MILE HOMEWORK CLUB BOOK CLUB In addition, there will be no SCHOOL COUNCIL, as Mr Buttery is not in school.
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Reminder: Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2019

Just a reminder that Poppies for the annual Poppy Appeal will be available in school this week for a small donation.  As with previous years, alongside the poppies, the Royal British Legion have provided school with various items such as wristbands, snap bands, clip on bag reflectors and zip pulls that can also be purchased...
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Mr Buttery Update week commencing 4th November

Dear Parents/Carers We hope you have all had a good half-term break. Mr Buttery will not be back in school this coming week following further post op complications, but hopes to be back on Monday 11th November. As a result of this, Tag Rugby and Run a Mile Club will be cancelled week commencing 4th...
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Class 3 Topic Day – Change of Date

Unfortunately due to staffing shortages of the company visiting school for Class 3’s topic day scheduled for Monday 4th November, this will now take place on Tuesday 12th November. Children can continue to collect plastics mentioned in the previous post (with a 1, 2 or 4 in the triangle,) but we kindly request that these...
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To parents/carers of children in Class 3: Recycling Project

On Monday 4th November, children in class 3 will have a very special topic day in school, with the rare opportunity to be a part of recycling in action. Please could any plastic that’s collected over the half term be recyclable, with a 1,2 or 4 inside the recycling triangle symbol only. We also ask...
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Mr Warriner’s After School Club on a Wednesday after half-term – important information

Please note that Mr Warriner’s Netball Club on a Wednesday after school, will not continue after half-term and will be replaced with a Football Club. If your child/ren would like to attend Football Club, registration is required and maximum numbers are 16.
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Book Club and Homework Club CANCELLED Thursday 7th November

Please note that there will be No Book Club or Homework Club on Thursday 7th November when we return after half-term. These two clubs will recommence on Thursday 14th November.
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