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Class 4

Year 5/6 Residential Visits in 2019

Just to let you know the details regarding the residential visits for Years 5 and 6 during the  summer term 2018. Year 6 will, as usual, be joining pupils from other cluster schools to visit East Barnby Outdoor Education Centre week commencing 10th June 2019 .  The all inclusive cost for the 5 days excluding...
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Year 6 Pupils Transferring to Secondary Schools in September 2019

Please find attached a letter for parents/carers of Year 6 pupils who are due to transfer to secondary school in September 2019. Yr6 Letter to parents secondary transfer 2019
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Swimming Lessons Class 4 only

Children in Class 4 will start their swimming sessions on Tuesday 18th September for an eight week period. They will be attending Thirsk Swimming pool for a half hour session between 10.30am and 11.00am for six weeks prior to half term and two weeks after.  We will be using money from our Sports Grant to fund...
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Class 4 only: Robin Hood Face Paints

Dear Parents/Carers Some cast members will be wearing face paints (Snazaroo brand) for the performance of Robin Hood – if you have any concerns about this, please let us know as soon as possible. Many thanks Mrs Chandler
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Class 3 and Class 4 Costumes for Robin Hood

Dear Parents/Carers Please can all costumes for our performance of Robin Hood be in school by this Friday morning latest. Many thanks for your assistance. Mrs Chandler  
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Carlton Lodge further update

A brilliant day was had by all yesterday on the high ropes and the lake. We’re looking forward to the climbing wall and archery this morning before seeing our families later in the day full of tales to tell and lots of dirty washing!! Mrs Chandler
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Carlton Lodge Update

After a great night orienteering, we had hot chocolate and watched a film before getting ‘some’ sleep!! We’re just about to have a hearty breakfast before an exciting day on the high ropes and the lake. Mrs Chandler
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Year 6 East Barnby Residential – 4th–8th June

The Year 6 residential week at East Barnby is fast approaching and I’m sure everyone will be looking forward to it.  Here are just a few reminders – We will be leaving school on Monday, 4th June at 8.20 a.m. promptly and should be back on Friday, 8th June at approximately 4.00 p.m.  Please will...
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End of SATS Celebrations – Class 4 Only

As the last SATs assessment is on Thursday 17th May, we have decided to hold a “party” afternoon on Friday 18th May. Children can bring their own clothes to change into after lunch – if they would like to bring some party music or DVDs (only U rated original films) that would be fine. No...
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Carlton Lodge Parents’ Meeting (Year 5)

We will be holding a meeting in school on Monday 21st May at 3.45pm for parents/carers to discuss the upcoming residential to Carlton Lodge (Wednesday 6th – Friday 8th June 2018). At the meeting we will be able to show you photographs from last year’s residential and give you some general information. There will also...
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