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Class 4

Reminder: No Homework Club After School Today

Just a reminder that, due to a prior commitment, Mrs Chandler will not be available to run Homework Club after school  tonight. Homework club will resume on Thursday 1st February.
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Year 6 SATS Meeting 31st January

If you have a child in Year 6, please read the attached invitation letter: SATs-Meeting
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Class 4 Spring Newsletter

Please note that there was a typing error on the parents evening date in Class 4’s Spring newsletter.  This has now been rectified and the correct date is now included in the Newsletter on the website.
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Reminders: Class 3 Trip 12th January and Class 4 Trip 15th January

Just a reminder that children in Class 3 will be visiting the York Chocolate Story this Friday 12th January and Class 4 will be visiting York Minster on Monday 15th January. Letters were distributed before the Christmas holidays, but if you need another copy, please contact Mrs Bacon in the office.  Consent forms should be...
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Class 4 Film – Wednesday 20th December

As a reward for a successful half term and a Christmas treat, tomorrow (20th December) the children in Class 4 would like to watch ‘Home Alone’. As it is a certificate PG due to containing moderate slapstick violence and infrequent moderate language, please inform me if you DO NOT wish your child to participate as...
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Class 4 only – Archbishop of York Project Folders

Please can all children in Class 4 bring in their Archbishop of York project folders this week so that they can be updated. Many thanks Mrs Chandler
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Year 5/6 Residential Visits in 2018

Just to let you know the details regarding the residential visits for Years 5 and 6 during the  summer term 2018. Year 6 will, as usual, be joining pupils from other cluster schools to visit East Barnby Outdoor Education Centre week commencing 4th June 2018 .  The all inclusive cost for the 5 days including...
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Climbing Wall 13th November for Years 1 – 6

If you haven’t already done so, please can you return your consent form for your child/ren to use the Climbing Wall next Monday 13th November, as soon as possible. Many thanks
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Class 4 Anglo Saxon Trip 2nd November

Just a reminder to all Class 4 parents/carers that there is a class trip to the Yorkshire Museum this Thursday 2nd November (copy letter attached). Anglo Saxon Trip CL4 Nov 17 If you haven’t already done so, please can you return your consent form as soon as possible, and if you are happy to do...
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Macmillan Coffee Afternoon

Wow – thank you to everyone who helped to make Crayke’s first Macmillan Coffee Afternoon such a huge success! From the gorgeous array of donated cakes, to the interesting tea making skills of Class 4, to the hard work and support of a range of adults it was a brilliant event that raised an amazing...
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