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Carlton Lodge 5th – 7th June – Year 5 only

Just a reminder that we will be holding a meeting in school tomorrow – Thursday 18th May at 3.45p.m. for parents/carers to discuss the upcoming residential to Carlton Lodge. Please can we also remind you to return the Consent form and Agreed conduct form as soon as possible to enable us to send the information...
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Carlton Lodge Parents’ Meeting (Year 5)

We will be holding a meeting in school on Thursday 18th May at 3.45p.m. for parents/carers to discuss the upcoming residential to Carlton Lodge. At the meeting we will be able to show you photographs from last year’s residential and give you some general information. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask...
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End of SATS Celebrations – Class 4 Only

As the last SAT exam is on Thursday, we have decided to hold a “party” afternoon on Friday, 12th May. Children can bring their own clothes to change into after lunch and if they would like to bring some party music or DVDs (only U rated original films) that would be fine.  No food is...
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Class 2 Spellings

Due to Year 2 SATS next week, Class 2’s spelling test due to take place next week will roll over to the following week and take place on Tuesday 23rd May. Miss Lawrie
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Homework Club Class 4

Homework Club will only take place for children in Year 6 this afternoon, as a revision session for SATS. There will be no Homework Club during SATS week – Thursday 11th May. Homework Club will resume for children in Year 5 and 6 from Thursday 18th May.
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Year 5 and Year 6 statutory curriculum word lists (Class 4 only)

As children in Class 4 might have mentioned, we have been assessing them against the statutory word lists for their year groups.  I was hugely impressed with the improvements the majority of children have made when partially reassessed today. Please follow the links below which allow the children to practice in their own time: Y5...
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Year 5 Residential Visit to Carlton Lodge – Payment Reminder

Just a reminder that Year 5 will be visiting Carlton Lodge Outdoor Centre near Thirsk for their usual two night residential  from the 5th – 7th June at a cost of £160 per pupil.  As this is an independent activity centre not run by the Local Authority, payment is required prior to the visit by the end...
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Year 1 and 2 Fun Run – Wednesday 26th April

Just to remind you that children in Year 1 and 2 have been invited to take part in a Fun Run on Wednesday afternoon – 26th April – at Easingwold Secondary School (copy letter attached). If you haven’t already done so, please can you return your consent form and voluntary contribution towards the cost of...
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Class 2 Times Table Test

The Times Table test (x2) that was due to take place in Class 2 this Friday, will now take place on Thursday 6th April instead. Many thanks Miss Lawrie
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Pupil Premium Key Stage 1 only (Reception and Class 2)

Please see the attached letter and form that has been sent out in your child’s book bag today. Pupil premium KS1 Mar 17 a.FMB2 (16-17)  
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