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“Grass Heads” – tights reminder for tomorrow – Class 2 only

Just a reminder that tomorrow afternoon, Class 2 will be making “grass heads” and so we would like to make a request for the children to bring in sheer natural tights for using in this project .  These flesh coloured tights can then be stuffed and will allow grass seed to grow through. Thank you....
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Year 5 Residential Visit to Carlton Lodge

As stated previously, Year 5 will be visiting Carlton Lodge Outdoor Centre near Thirsk for their usual two night residential  from the 5th – 7th June at a cost of £160 per pupil.  As this is an independent activity centre not run by the Local Authority, payment is required prior to the visit by the end of...
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KS2 Visit to a Mosque – Thursday 23rd March

Just a reminder that Class 3 and 4 will be visiting a Mosque in Bradford this Thursday 23rd March.  If  you haven’t already done so, please can you return your consent slip and voluntary contribution to school as soon as possible. Many thanks
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Easingwold Cricket Club – Year 5 and 6

We have been asked to distribute the following documents to children in Year 5 and 6 by Easingwold Cricket Club Junior Membership 2017 advert Junior Membership Form 2017
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“Grass Heads” for Class 2

Week commencing 27th March, Class 2 will be making “grass heads” and so we would like to make a request for the children to bring in sheer natural tights for using in this project by Wednesday 29th March.  These flesh coloured tights can then be stuffed and will allow grass seed to grow through. Thank...
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Parent’s Evening – Class 1

For those parents of children in Class 1, who haven’t been to a parent’s evening in the Spring term before, just to let you know that this is the parent’s evening where you have the opportunity to look at your child’s books.  You may therefore wish to arrive a little earlier than your appointment time...
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Parent’s Evenings – Class 4

Mr Buttery sends his apologies, but unfortunately he is unable to attend Parent’s Evenings this week due to a sickness bug that he has had since the beginning of the week. Mrs Chandler will meet with Class 4 parents as arranged, however if you would like a word specifically with Mr Buttery he will be...
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Church ‘The Real Easter Egg’ Competition

As part of this half-terms homework in Class 2, 3 and 4, children were asked to submit an entry for ‘The Real Easter Egg’ Competition. If you would like school to submit your child/rens entry, please can you ensure that they are brought into school by Monday 13th March, so that we can get them...
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Class 4 SPaG Revision

Please follow the link below to access some really useful SPaG resources:
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Phonic Games Library

For children in Year 1 who are taking the phonics screening check this year, there will be a selection of phonics games available to “borrow” in the entrance hall from today, to support their work in class. Please remember to sign in and out any game that you borrow.  Any questions, please see Miss Lawrie.
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