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Class 3 – Ancient Britain Day Friday 11th November

Just a reminder that Class 3 are having an Ancient Britain Day on Friday 11th November.  It would be great if your child/ren could dress up as someone from the Stone, Bronze or Iron Age. Many thanks Mrs Rayner
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Class 3 Ukulele Lessons

Due to Class 4 missing their Ukulele lesson before half-term when they were on a class trip, Class 3 will now resume their Ukulele lessons every other week, starting from Tuesday 15th November.
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Class 3 – Home/School Record

Please can all children in Class 3 have their Home/School Record in their book bag every day. Additionally, homework books and spelling folders should be in your children’s book bag every Monday, to receive new spellings and homework. Many thanks for your assistance with this. Mrs Rayner
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Class 2 – Pirate Day Tuesday 8th November

On Tuesday 8th November,  Class 2 will be having a ‘Pirate Day’ as part of their topic work. The children will be visited by ‘Pirate Ron’ and have the opportunity to take part in a range of different activities throughout the day. It would be great if your child/children could come to school dressed up...
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Class 4 Only – Film Reward 21st October

As part of Class 4’s reward session on Friday 21st October, we plan to watch a film and have some popcorn. The film we are planning on watching is ‘The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ from 2005. As it is a certificate PG, please inform me if you DO NOT wish...
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Class 4 – Visit to North York Moors Railway tomorrow

We’re all really excited about our WW2 evacuation experience tomorrow but the weather forecast doesn’t look too kind.  Although we will be looking fabulous in our 1940s outfits, the most important thing is to make sure children have sufficient clothing to keep them warm and dry, especially as we will be eating our lunch outside....
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Phonics Workshop After School Today for Year 1 Parents

Just a reminder that the Phonics Workshop for Year 1 Parents will take place after school today from 3.30pm in Class 2 with Miss Lawrie. Facilities will be available for children to stay in school during the workshop.
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Class 1 – Request for a clear plastic drinks bottle for an activity this week

We should be grateful if your child could bring into school an empty clear plastic drinks bottle (2 litre) before Thursday, for an activity the children will be doing Class 1. Many thanks.                                
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Class 1 Achievement Assembly – Friday 7th October

This Friday, 7th October, is Class 1’s Achievement Assembly at 9.05 a.m.  This is an opportunity for parents in Class 1 to join the children in our Achievement Assembly, to celebrate the children’s work and any certificates/awards they may have received from activities outside of school.  Parents are welcome to leave their children as usual...
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Class 4 – Gas Mask Boxes for NYMR Trip

Children in Class 4 will be making a Gas Mask Box in class next Wednesday 12th October, in preparation for their World War 2 Evacuation experience visit to the North York Moors Railway on 18th October. Please could your child/children bring a small cardboard box into school next Wednesday i.e. a square tissue box, tea...
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