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Additional Key Stage 1 (Year 2) Assessment Information

Following on from yesterday’s meeting about the early administration of the KS1 (Key Stage 1) English grammar, punctuation and spelling test, I would like to make parents/carers aware of the following points: At the end of Year 2, children will take tests in: English grammar, punctuation and spelling Reading Maths Key Stage One Reading: The...
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Year 6 Parents’ Meeting re East Barnby

In preparation for the residential visit to East Barnby in May, there will be a meeting for all parents and children at Sutton on the Forest School on Tuesday, 19th April at 5.00 p.m. when a member of staff from East Barnby Outdoor Education Centre will be available to give more detailed information on the activities...
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Class 4 Reward Session

This week, as part of Class 4’s reward session (which they build their signatures up for), we will be watching a film and having popcorn! The film we will be watching is ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’. This film is a PG, therefore please inform me if you DO NOT wish your child to participate. Mrs Chandler
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Class 2 “Message in a Bottle”

As part of their literacy work in Class 2, the children will be composing messages to pop in bottles.  With this in mind, please could all the children bring in a clear plastic bottle for Friday, 18th March.  Thank you.
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Meeting re Early Administration of SPaG Tests for Y2 Parents Only

We have arranged a meeting on Monday, 21st March at 4.00 p.m. for any Y2 parents who wish to discuss the early administration of the SPaG tests as previously notified.  Mr. Buttery is hoping to return by this date, but if he is not back in school, Miss Lawrie will lead the meeting, as she...
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Y6 Welcome Evening at Easingwold School

Easingwold Secondary School are inviting all Year 6 parents and pupils to a Welcome Evening to be held on Wednesday, 9th March at 6.30 p.m. in the school hall.  This will be a chance to learn more about starting at Easingwold School, to ask questions and to meet a selection of staff and students.  It is...
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Y5 Residential Visit to Carlton Lodge, Thirsk

As stated previously, Year 5 will also be visiting Carlton Lodge Outdoor Centre near Thirsk for their usual two night residential  from the 13th – 15th June at a cost of £160 per pupil.  As this is an independent activity centre not run by the Local Authority, payment is required prior to the visit by the end...
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Early administration of KS1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test

Please find attached a letter for the attention of Year 2 parents/carers only. Early Administration – KS1 S.P.A.G
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