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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Date for Website Launch – free wine and curry!

Please keep Tuesday 29th January at 7pm free to come to school for the website launch. Learn first hand all the capabalities of the new site and how and where to find the information you will need!
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Fantastic news about Outdoor Classroom!

I am delighted to tell you that our bid to the Awards for All Big Lottery fund has been successful and along with monetary awards from the Howardian Hills and the Mukerjee Family trust we have now secured £15,000 for our planned Outdoor classroom. This will provide superb opportunities not only for our Key Stage...
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Welcome to the new website!

  Well…here it is! The long awaited revamp of our school website. We hope you like it and most importantly find it useful to search all the information you need. We are really excited about the new possibilities that this website brings to our children, their learning and new technologies. Why not make this your...
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