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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Return to School Survey ACTION REQUIRED

Good evening, To help us ensure the smoothest of returns to school for the children, we would be very grateful if you could spend a few minutes of your time answering this survey We will be reviewing the outcomes in school on Friday so would be grateful for your completion by the end of...
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After School Zoom Curve Dance sessions – starting Monday

Please see the below message from Kelly Goodwin, who has been running our video dance sessions this term. Please join me live on Zoom from Monday. The classes are great for keeping pupils active at home and learning some exciting new dance skills. For the 3 consecutive Mondays it’s just £10.    To book on to the...
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Achievement Worship – LIVE!

Good afternoon, A reminder that tomorrow’s Achievement Worship will be broadcast live via Zoom at 11am. Please visit the Collective Worship page of the whole school site to obtain the Zoom link for the session.   Accessing via this route ensures that only members of the Crayke community are able to access the meeting. Due to...
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Open Letter for parents and carers

Please click on this link to access an open letter from the Education Secretary, Gavin Williamson:
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We can’t wait to see you!

Dear children, We are so excited to be able to welcome you all back to school on March 8th! We will be in touch with your parents and carers nearer the time with details to make sure that your return is as safe as possible.  We don’t anticipate that things will be much different from...
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Welcome back

Welcome back to the second half of the Spring Term. We are eagerly awaiting the government announcement later today and hope that it will bring positive news that we are all able to be reunited as our Crayke family on 8 March – fingers crossed! This is a final call for any last submissions for...
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REMINDER: Consent form for Live Sessions

Good afternoon, A whopping 76 responses have already been received giving consent for your child to join live sessions next week – thank you! If you have not yet provided consent, and would like your child to participate in an online meeting with their teacher and peers, please complete the survey by accessing the link...
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Consent to participate in live sessions – IMPORTANT UPDATE

Good afternoon, Please accept my profuse apologies – I have been made aware of an error in the original consent form circulated.  Please can you complete the consent form link available here instead: This link should take you to VERSION 2 document, which is the correct form to complete and submit. If you have already...
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Reminder: 100 for Tom

Good morning, Just a reminder to let me know by the end of the day today what you have been up to in your “100 for Tom” challenges so I can share the outcomes in tomorrow’s special Achievement Worship. Have a lovely day! Mrs Jackson
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End of the week reflections

As we reach the end of what has been a challenging week in many respects, I thought you may take solace and comfort in the following words and image. Be the light in the darkness Be the peace in the darkness Be the kindness in the darkness Be the joy in the darkness Be the...
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