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Home Learning w/c 13th July

Please find attached the final home learning pack of the term for next week’s topic on Space – enjoy! Week 7 Class 1 Week 7 Class 2 Week 7 Class 3 Week 7 Class 4
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Year 5/6 – request to complete survey

Message from NYCC: Covid Mental Health Survey Please find below a link to the Covid Mental Health Questionnaire. This survey is important as we need to hear from young people about how the coronavirus lockdown has impacted on their mental health.  We know the current situation has been difficult for many young people and we...
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Harry Hall Cup for All Round Sporting Ability

I am delighted to have awarded the Harry Hall Cup for 2020 today to Alex Moore and Issy Hill.   The Harry Hall Cup is awarded for ‘All round sporting ability’ and no two better pupils embody this statement than Issy and Alex. Despite missing out on all usual sporting events that take place during...
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End of term arrangements

Good morning everybody, As the end of the summer term draws near, we wanted to let you know about some upcoming arrangements. School reports will be making their way to you soon.  If your child, or their sibling, is in school, you will receive the report via pupil post tomorrow (or Friday, if they are...
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Summer Holiday provision

Good afternoon, As mentioned in yesterday’s newsletter, North Yorkshire County Council are bringing together a directory for childcare which will hopefully support parents and carers for the summer holidays. Please click on this link for a county-wide community directory at which has information about a variety organisations providing support over this period.  
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Home Learning w/c 6th July

Please find attached the home learning packs for next week’s topic on Music – enjoy! Week 6 Class 1 Week 6 Class 2 Week 6 Class 3 Week 6 Class 4  
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Relationships and Sex Education (SRE) – Class 4 bubble ONLY

Just a reminder that your email response regarding the planned SRE session on Friday 3rd July 2020 needs sending to prior to the session commencing. Thankyou for the responses we have received so far. Many thanks, Mrs Chandler
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Year 6 pupils moving to Easingwold Outwood ONLY

Dear families of pupils transferring to Easingwold Outwood, Easingwold Outwood have been working hard to produce some online lessons to recreate what you may have experienced on your transition day visits. These are for you to access as you see fit, there is no obligation for students to do them. The transition lessons have now...
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Home Learning w/c 29 June 2020

Good morning, Please find attached learning packs for next week.  Enjoy! Week 5 Class 1 Week 5 Class 2 Week 5 Class 3 Week 5 Class 4  
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Last Call for Sculpture Competition

Please see attached a poster designed by Mrs Bower with a reminder about the upcoming deadline for the sculpture competition. Blank Landscape 5
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