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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Winter Weather & Possible Disruption

Dear parents/carers, please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused by closing the school today.  We  make every effort to keep the school open, however, the severe circumstances made it necessary to close the school to ensure the health and safety of children and staff – bearing in mind several members of staff need to...
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Scafell Pike

After successfully climbing Mount Snowdon during the summer of 2016, and Ben Nevis last summer; the Buttery family are going to attempt to conquer Scafell Pike. Any money raised will be donated to CHASA (Crayke Home and School Association).  Your support will be greatly appreciated when we attempt this challenge in May 2018. If you...
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Yorkshire Post – “Top of the Class”

As you will see below our school once again featured in the recent “Top of the Class” article published by the Yorkshire Post and the Harrogate Advertiser Series.  The article celebrates high attaining primary schools in Yorkshire – we are very proud to be one! A digital version of the feature can be seen below:...
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Music for Life 2018

Children throughout the school enjoyed a series of wonderful performances and workshops on Thursday 1st February.  The day started with a performance assembly which allowed everyone to learn more about percussion instruments. Following this, Class Three produced their own compositions based on the structure of the human body.  Class 4 were then inspired by the...
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Year 6 SATs Meeting Materials

Please find attached a copy of the PowerPoint used during the meeting on Wednesday 31st January: Year 6 Parents SATs Workshop 31.01.18 In order support the children with the spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG) aspect of the assessments, please find attached the SPAG Companion: SATs Companion SPAG
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Young Voices 2018

On Wednesday 17th January, children from Years 4, 5 and 6 travelled to the Motorpoint Arena in Sheffield to take part in the 2018 Young Voices concert, along with 1000s of other school children, to form one huge choir. A massive well done to all the children that took part; your behaviour and singing was...
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Lost Property

As you can see from the photograph there is currently a large amount of lost property in school.  Prior to the children attempting to identify their belongings, I would like to offer parents/carers the opportunity to look at the collection of items, before the start of school this morning.  I will be in the playground...
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Rocks N’ Pops

We had a very special performance in school this morning courtesy of Rocks N’ Pops.  The children joined the three tutors in performing; as well as learning about the opportunities enrolling could bring. Children from Year 2 to Year 6 can join in a variety of different ways (including guitar, which is not mentioned on the...
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Climbing Wall Experience

The children in KS1 & KS2 enjoyed a  very special experience day, as they were able to attempt ascending a state of the art climbing wall.  Trained instructors were on hand to keep children safe and ensure everyone enjoyed the experience, which they clearly did. Climbing is one of the fastest growing sporting activities. It...
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Scholastic Book Fair – important information

As you will know, we are holding a book fair this Wednesday 8th, Friday 10th and Monday 13th November between 3.30 and 4.00. Every book purchased at the fair, will allow us to buy books for school. With that in mind and as a cashless school, we would like to encourage you to bring a...
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