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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Hambleton District Tag Rugby Finals – we won again!

Congratulations to the boys and girls from Class 4 who successfully won the Hambleton District Tag Rugby Finals for the second successive year. This is another massive achievement for our school and to say I am proud is an understatement! I was hugely impressed by the superb teamwork and commitment on show, which resulted in...
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Summer Fair – thank you for your support

A huge thank you to all of those who contributed to making the summer fair such a huge success (either before, during or after the event). I would like to pass on my sincere thanks to all members of CHASA for organising the event.  Thanks also go to each member of staff who generously gave...
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School Sports Day Potential Postponement

The weather forecast for tomorrow afternoon is not looking good – we will make a decision by 11.00am tomorrow morning, as to the likelihood of postponement. The decision to review is not taken lightly, because I know that as parents many of you will have taken the day/afternoon off work so that you can see...
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The children really enjoyed our whole school trip to Beamish on Friday.  Their behaviour was exceptional, and they really enjoyed the learning opportunities made available to them. I would like to thank the parents who joined us on the visit for giving up their time; as well as Sir. Bob Murray for his generous donation. Our...
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BEAMISH – Revised Return Time

The coaches are just leaving Beamish and their estimated time back at school is just after 4pm, so please can you come and collect your child/ren earlier than originally advised. Many thanks
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Parents’ Questionnaire Summer Term 2017 Results

As part of our annual cycle of self-evaluation we have asked parents/carers for their feedback. We are really pleased to say that there has been an overwhelmingly positive response to our questionnaires (we received 23 responses). Please click the link below for the results of the most recent survey: Parents Questionnaire Results 2017 Parents’ Questionnaire...
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Pupil Voice

We asked the children at Crayke Church of England Primary School to give us their opinions about our School. Below is a selection of their comments, including direct quotes from a child in each year group: “I like all of the plays and productions we do because they boost your confidence.  It also helps us...
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Summer Sun Safety

I would just like to remind parents/carers that as the weather heats up (and long may it last), children need to be protected from the sun during their time at school, as they will be outside for both playtimes, P.E. lessons and other learning opportunities. An application of sun cream before coming to school should...
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Carlton Lodge Parents’ Meeting (Year 5)

We will be holding a meeting in school on Thursday 18th May at 3.45p.m. for parents/carers to discuss the upcoming residential to Carlton Lodge. At the meeting we will be able to show you photographs from last year’s residential and give you some general information. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask...
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Year 5 and Year 6 statutory curriculum word lists (Class 4 only)

As children in Class 4 might have mentioned, we have been assessing them against the statutory word lists for their year groups.  I was hugely impressed with the improvements the majority of children have made when partially reassessed today. Please follow the links below which allow the children to practice in their own time: Y5...
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