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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Mrs Yate’s Easter Competition

As in previous years, Mrs. Yates, our school cook, is launching an Easter competition, the closing date for which is Monday, 3rd April, with the prize winners being announced after lunch on the last day of term. Classes 1 and 2 children are asked to design an Easter Bunny. Classes 3 and 4 children are...
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Parents’ Evenings

Parents’ Evenings this term are on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March, depending on which class your child is in, starting at 3.50pm. Time sheets will be available from next Monday (6th March) in the entrance hall for parents to place their name against the most convenient time period. Due to Parents’ Evening, there will...
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Sharing Our Headteacher (Confederation)

Please find the attached letter from Hugh Porter (Chair of Governors) explaining arrangements from September 2017. Sharing Our Headteacher
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Sickness in School

Unfortunately we have had several cases of sickness  in school this week.  The aforementioned sickness has resulted in a number of cases of children feeling unwell, very shortly followed by vomiting. Please understand that due to the nature of sickness, we are taking every precaution to reduce the risk of it spreading, by calling parents...
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Safer Internet Day 2017

At Crayke Church of England Primary School, we believe that educating our children about being safe on-line is very important.  As part of our computing curriculum, children learn how to identify some of the risks they may encounter when on-line, and what to do to keep themselves safe. As part of Safer Internet Day (Tuesday...
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Yorkshire Post – “Top of the Class”

As you will see below our school once again featured in the recent “Top of the Class” article published by the Yorkshire Post. The article celebrates high attaining primary schools in Yorkshire – we are very proud to be one! A digital version of the Yorkshire Post feature can be seen here
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Terrific Scientific in Class Four

The Super Taste Test – does food taste the same to everyone?  Class Four have really enjoyed investigating the science behind taste.  They learned that super tasters experience bitter tastes more strongly than other people; this is because they have a higher number of taste receptors within fungiform papillae, the big pink bumps on your tongue...
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Senior Citizens Lunch

On Wednesday, 25th January, the senior citizens of Crayke will be holding their annual lunch at the Sports Hall to which some children are invited to attend – Year 6 to serve and Young Voices children to entertain. As a result, lunch will be brought forward by 15 minutes and start at 11.45am; this allow...
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Year 6 SATs Meeting Materials

Please find attached a copy of the PowerPoint used during the meeting on Thursday 19th January: Year 6 Parents SATs Workshop 19.01.17 In order support the children with the spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG) aspect of the assessments, please find attached the SPAG Companion: SATs Companion SPAG
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Easingwold Cluster Sportshall Athletics – We Won!

Congratulations to all the boys and girls from Class Four, who worked together as an impeccably well behaved team, to win the Cluster Sportshall Athletics this afternoon. Crayke Church of England Primary School will now represent the Easingwold Cluster at the Hambleton  District Finals on 27th January.
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