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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Year 6 Leavers’ Service

Next Friday (22/07/2016) it will be the Year 6 Leavers’ Service at the Church of St Cuthbert in Crayke.  The service will start at 1:15pm and will be an opportunity for everyone to wish our Year 6 children well.  I am more than happy for any Year 6 pupils wishing to leave from school on...
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Summer Production of The Tempest

The older children are working really hard towards their production of “The Tempest” and I know you will enjoy their endeavours. The dress rehearsal takes place on Monday, 18th July when Crayke Playgroup will be coming to join us.  The first performance is on Tuesday, 19th July at 2.00pm, with the evening performance starting at...
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Year 6 Results/Reports

Year 6 SATs results will be made available via NCA Tools on Tuesday, 5th July. It is our intention to make these results, and the end of year reports for Year 6 children only, available on Tuesday. As some of our children are at Easingwold School for their transition days, their reports/results will be available...
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School Sports Day – Update

As the rain is not forecast to start now until after 1.00pm, we will go ahead with the picnic lunch as originally planned – you are welcome to attend this. If the forecast rain does appear, we will have no choice but to cancel the planned activities for this afternoon.
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School Sports Day Potential Postponement

The weather forecast for this afternoon is not looking good – we will make a decision by 11.00am this morning, as to the likelihood of postponement. The decision to review is not taken lightly, because I know that as parents many of you will have taken the day/afternoon off work so that you can see...
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Sports Day and Picnic Lunch – Tuesday 28th June 2016

Everyone is welcome to join us for sports day and picnic lunch on Tuesday, 28th June. School will provide pupils with a picnic lunch and parents/siblings are invited to join us on the school field with their own picnics from 12 noon. Sports Day will start around 1.15pm and take up the afternoon.  Please can...
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Race for Life at Crayke Church of England Primary School

Children from our school will be taking part in a Race for Life event on Monday 4th July.  Please support us by digging deep and sponsoring the school – it’s quick, easy and totally secure.  Please follow the following link: Events like this are vital in funding Cancer Research UK’s life-saving work into preventing,...
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Year 6 Pupils at East Barnby

We have just received the following picture from Mr Buttery at East Barnby.  Everyone has settled in really well and they are looking forward to the afternoon activities. Also just to let you know, as Mr Buttery is away at East Barnby, there will be no Chronicle this week.  
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Water Bottles

Now that the warm weather is here, please can you ensure that children come to school with a water bottle each day.  There is ample opportunity for these to be topped up throughout the day.
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Key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test

Following recent media coverage, I would like to make parents/carers aware of the following statement from Jennifer Coupland, Standards and Testing Agency’s Chief Executive: “Last night I was made aware that Pearson, our external marking supplier, mistakenly uploaded the KS2 grammar, punctuation and spelling test onto its secure marker site. This was only accessible, via...
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