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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Cross Country Reminder (for children taking part in the Cluster competition at Easingwold Secondary School tomorrow)

Dear parents, I have reminded the children of the arrangements for tomorrow’s Cross Country at school today.  Here is an overview: Parents will take their children directly to Easingwold Secondary School for 9:15am. I will meet the children in front of the netball pitches. Please make sure your child has a snack/drink and sufficiently warm...
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Year 1 + 2 Flu Immunisation

Just a quick reminder that the last day for submitting your permission forms for the flu immunisation programme is tomorrow, Friday, 23rd October.
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Class 1 Achievement Assembly

This Friday, 23rd October, is Class 1’s Achievement Assembly at 9.10 a.m.  This is an opportunity for parents in Class 1 to join the children in our Achievement Assembly, to celebrate the children’s work and any certificates/awards they may have received from activities outside of school.  Parents are welcome to leave their children as usual and...
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Class 3 Parents’ Evening

We are pleased to inform parents that as of next Wednesday, Mrs. Manfield will be returning to her standard hours. The school would like to thank Mrs. Cahill for her time in Class 3.  However, due to Mrs. Manfield’s recent return to school, the decision has been made that she will not be available for...
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Parents’ Evenings

Just a reminder that Parents’ Evenings this term are on Tuesday, 20th and Wednesday, 21st October, depending on which class your child is in, starting at 3.50 p.m.   The time sheets will be available from Monday morning for parents to place their name against the most convenient time period.
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Mrs. Manfield’s Return

I am pleased to announce that Mrs. Manfield will be returning to school this week, working Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday mornings.  To maintain continuity, Mrs. Cahill will be working those corresponding afternoons.  This working pattern will be reviewed on a weekly basis.
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New Curriculum Spellings

Dear Parents and Carers, As you are already aware, the government have introduced a new curriculum for all schools to follow.  The new curriculum has encompassed many of the previous curriculum’s objectives, as well as increasing the expectations for children in each year group especially in terms of maths, reading and writing.  As all year...
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Jeans for Genes Day

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow, Friday, 18th September, is Jeans for Genes day.  Children are invited to come to school wearing jeans with their school sweatshirts on top, and donating a £1 towards this worthwhile charity.
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Enforced Closure

Dear parents/carers, unfortunately due to a leak through the electrical light fittings, the school will not be able to open today. Closing the school is never an ideal option, however, we must take the health and safety of everyone into consideration. I will take necessary steps to facilitate the required repairs and will keep you...
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As promised, the new sweatshirts are now in school.  If anyone would like to pick up new sweatshirts today, rather than leave it until tomorrow, please call into school no later than 3.00 p.m.  Thank you.
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