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News Flash

Front Page News Post

A big “Fairtrade” thank you!

Mrs. Mason would like to thank everyone who placed orders from the Fairtrade catalogues for Christmas items this year – it has been very successful.  We have raised sufficient funds to support Suamy, our sponsorship child, for another nine months.  Thank you again.
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Music lessons with Mrs. Shepherd

Just a quick reminder that Mrs. Shepherd will be in school tomorrow, Wednesday, 5th November and not her usual Thursday.  Please ensure that if your child has a lesson with Mrs. Shepherd, that they have their instrument in school tomorrow.  Thank you.
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Homework Questionnaire

Please find attached the homework questionnaire for completion and return by Friday, 7th November.  Thank you. Homework Questionnaire Homework Questionnaire
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Start of school day in Class 2

Now that the children in Year 1 have had a full half term in which to get used to coming into Class 2 first thing in the morning, we would like to encourage all children to enter school independently without their parents from the beginning of the new half term.  I am sure you will...
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Unfortunately, headlice in school are proving very hard to clear and we are continuing to have cases brought to our attention.  With half term next week, this is a good opportunity to thoroughly check your children’s hair and take the necessary remedial action to clear any offending critters.  Hopefully, this will mean that when the...
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Wrapping Paper

Please remember to return your completed order forms for the Northbrook wrapping paper to the school office today.  Crayke School will receive 22% cash back on every item ordered.  No matter how small the order, your support is appreciated. Many thanks CHASA
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Dinner money for next half term

Dinner money for next half term is £73.50, unless you receive an email with an individual amount to take account for any refunds.  However, due to visits, if you have a child in Year 6 or Class 3, the amount to be paid is £71.40.  I shall be processing refunds tomorrow and emails will follow...
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Class 4 Rewards Afternoon

As part of Class 4’s rewards afternoon tomorrow, we will be showing the first Harry Potter DVD.  As this is a PG film, should anyone have any objections to their child viewing this, please email Mrs. Cotterill by the end of the day.  Thank you.
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Music lessons with Mrs. Shepherd

I have been informed by Mrs. Shepherd that she is unable to come into school on Thursday, 6th November.  She will, however, be in school from 2.30 p.m. on Wednesday, 5th November to take music lessons.  So could any pupils who have lessons with her please make sure that they have their instruments in school...
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Information about Parents’ Evenings

Just so that you are aware, during the Parents’ Evenings this Tuesday and Wednesday, there will be a Powerpoint presentation for parents about becoming a Governor.  This will provide some very useful information should you be considering becoming a prospective Governor.
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