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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Dinner money for next half term

Due to various trips this half term, the dinner money for each class is slightly different.  Some parents will receive an individual email informing them of their payment, but otherwise payments are as follows: Class 1      £71.40 Class 2     £69.30 Class 3     £69.30 Class 4 parents will be informed individually.  All cheques to be made...
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Traidcraft Christmas Orders

There are still a few days left for parents to order items from the Traidcraft Christmas catalogue.  Don’t forget, any funds raised go towards the School Council’s sponsorship of Suamy, our sponsored child in Honduras.
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Bumper Crop at Harvest

  Reception children picked a bumper crop of apples from the trees planted by Mrs. Smith’s husband three years ago.  These trees include some old, rare Yorkshire varieties thereby ensuring their survival in our local area for future generations.  Mrs. Yates, the cook, used them to make apple crumble for pudding.  Yum, yum!
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Individual Photos

Just a quick reminder that the school photographer will be in school on Thursday, 17th October.  If you would like your children to have a group photograph (either together and individuals or just together) please let us know by email.  If you would like pre-school children to have a photo with their siblings, these will...
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Lost a coat?

We have an adult coat which was found in church after the Harvest Festival on Monday. If it’s yours, please collect it from the school office. Thank you
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Parents’ Evenings

Parents’ Evening for all children, except those in Year 1, will be held on Monday, 21st October from 3.45 – 7.30 p.m.  Please sign up on the forms provided in the entrance hall. Parents of children in Year 1 will have their interviews with Mrs. Sheppard and Miss Wagstaff on Wednesday, 23rd October between 3.45...
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Meeting for parents considering Easingwold Secondary School

Dear Parent or Carer Letter received from Mr. Butcher, Assistant Headteacher at Easingwold Secondary School “Mrs Sheppard has kindly agreed to host a meeting at Crayke Primary School on Wednesday 9th October from 6.00 – 7.00 p.m. for parents and children who are considering Easingwold School as their choice of secondary school. This is a...
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Crayke School’s Harvest Festival

A quick reminder that the school’s harvest festival is on Monday 7 October at 2.30pm in the Church. This year we are supporting the York Foodbank and a volunteer from the York branch has kindly offered to come and talk to us about their work. If you would like to make a donation to their...
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Meet the Teacher

Teaching staff are running brief ‘meet the teacher’ sessions to confirm when homework is set and due in for parents who would like clarification of arrangements.   Mrs Sheppard, Miss Henn and Miss Wagstaff  will discuss helping children read and learn their spellings. Dates are as follows: Class 4:  Tuesday 24 Sept @3.30-3.50 Class 3 Wednesday 25...
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Bookbags have arrived!

For all those people who wanted a new bookbag, they have now arrived in school.  Pop into the office to get one.
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