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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Website permissions – polite reminder

Could I please remind you to respond to the website permissions article posted in the ‘items to respond to’ section. In order to maximise the use of our website we do need to collate up to date permissions And we are still missing a number of responses. many thanks
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Cross country next round y3/4/5/6

Please note: children will be informed tomorrow about their involvement in the next round. thank you.
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Young Voices DVD – last chance to order.

This is the last opportunity to order a copy of the Young Voices DVD from Sheffield Motorpoint Arena. We will be submitting the order on Monday 11th February. Anyone who would still like to order can submit a cheque (paid to school) for £15. Many thanks
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Quick reminder – tonight 7pm!

Just a quick reminder to all those who missed last years information evening given by North Yorkshire Police on Facebook and Social media. Its not too late ……7pm-8pm tonight – School Hall It’s important to know all the facts before your children do!
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Website – permissions

Now that our website is in full swing and we are keen to start involving the children and sharing with you lots that goes on in school, we would like to revise our records.  This is to enable us to share with you experiences such as the children singing at the Induction Service of Rev....
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Internet Safety Day 5th February

Did you know today is National Internet Safety Day? Of course this is timely for us as a school as we, this week, repeat our information workshop on Social networking run by North Yorkshire Police. Please dont forget that is on Thursday this week at 7pm-8pm. There is also some really useful information published by the...
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Your child and social networking…what do you need to know?

ALL Parents………Please put Thursday 7th February  7-8pm The School Hall in your diary. This is an opportunity to come, listen and discuss with North Yorkshire Police how social networking and media is impacting and more importantly will impact on the lives of your children and they grow. It also will open your eyes to some misconceptions and...
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Today(30/1/13) Class 3 pack ups required!

Just a quick reminder that all children in Class 3 will require a pack up today. Please send in a plastic bag ( preferably named) so that post lunch all packaging can be easily disposed of. No fizzy drinks or sweets please.  
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No Multi Sports today – 29th Jan

Due to illness, Mr Cromack is unable to run Multi sports today and so the children will need collecting at 3.30pm
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Severe Weather Warnings!

Please keep your eye on Radio York website (and ears to the radio if you can) in terms of any school closures due to severe weather.
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