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News Feature

The latest 4 posts in this Cat will be displayed in the top slider on the front page of the website.

Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits

Thank you to everyone who came to watch our Key Stage Two productions of Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits.  Lots of people have commented on the children’s exceptional voices, acting ability and dancing – I am sure you will agree that they did an amazing job! Special thanks also to all the children and...
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Space Chase – Summer Reading Challenge 2019

The Summer Reading Challenge encourages children aged 4 to 11 to read six library books during the summer holiday. Children’s reading can ‘dip’ during the summer holidays if they don’t have regular access to books and encouragement to read for pleasure. The annual Summer Reading Challenge helps get three quarters of a million children into...
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School Games Mark “Gold” Award

I am proud to announce that Crayke Church of England Primary School has been awarded a School Games Mark Gold Award. This is in recognition of our commitment to and development of competition, school sport, physical education and physical activity. The School Games Mark is a Government led Award Scheme, facilitated by the Youth Sport...
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Summer Fair – thank you for your support…

A huge thank you to all of those who contributed to making the summer fair such a huge success (either before, during or after the event). I would like to pass on my sincere thanks to all members of CHASA for organising the event. Thanks also go to each member of staff who generously gave...
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Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits

Pupils & staff in Key Stage Two have been working hard to rehearse for our summer production of “Ali Baba And The Bongo Bandits”.  Following the dress rehearsal on Monday 15th July there will be the opportunity to watch the play on Tuesday 16th at 1.30pm (this is an earlier time than in previous years,...
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Sports Day Postponed

Following persistent rainfall yesterday, I have reluctantly taken the decision to postpone Sports Day; conditions are almost certainly likely to be very unpleasant for spectators and potentially hazardous for participants. As you can imagine, making a decision about Sports Day is very difficult. I am aware that a lot of people have booked time off...
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Parents’ Questionnaire – Summer Term 2019 Results

As part of our annual cycle of self-evaluation we have asked parents/carers for their feedback. We are really pleased to say that there has been an overwhelmingly positive response to our questionnaires (we received 28 paper & 4 online responses). Please click the link (either PDF or Word) below for the results of the most...
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East Barnby 2019

Our Year 6’s have arrived at East Barnby; their beds are made (a challenging task for some) and everyone is looking forward to their evening activities. There could be some amendments to the planned programme of activities, due to the forecast of heavy rain… Day Two Update: The children slept well last night and are...
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Carlton Lodge Update

Please see below an update and photo from Mrs Chandler received this morning – ‘We had an amazing day yesterday, the weather was gorgeous and we particularly loved our time kayaking on the lake!  All the children slept soundly and we’re ready for a big breakfast in preparation for the high ropes today! Looking forward...
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Ghana Footwear Appeal

We are once again supporting the Ghana Footwear Appeal, which  also includes a request for Early Years children’s story books and mobile phones.  Please see the attached poster for more details. Please can all items be brought into school during week commencing 8th July for collection at the end of that week. PLEASE HELP –...
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