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News Feature

The latest 4 posts in this Cat will be displayed in the top slider on the front page of the website.

Car Parking

Following on from previous notifications, I have received several requests from parents to remind everyone of the procedure for parking in the lay-by, especially in the morning when parents are dropping off children, as considerable congestion is caused when parents park their cars in the drop off lane. As previously stated, the lane nearest to...
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Robin Hood

Thank you to everyone who came to watch our Key Stage Two productions of Robin Hood. Lots of people have commented on the children’s exceptional voices, acting ability and dancing – I am sure you will agree that they did an amazing job! Special thanks also to all the children and staff who worked extremely...
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Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Rayner

I am pleased to inform you that Ethan Rayner was born on Saturday morning at 2.45am – weighing 7lbs 9oz! Both mother and baby are doing really well…
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Reminder: Ghana Footwear Appeal

Just a reminder, that once again, we are supporting the Ghana Footwear Appeal, which this year also includes a request for Early Years children’s story books and mobile phones.  Please see the attached poster for more details. Please can all items be brought into school during week commencing 9th July for collection at the end...
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Robin Hood

Pupils & staff in Key Stage Two having been working hard to rehearse for our summer production of Robin Hood. Following the dress rehearsal on Monday 16th July there will be the opportunity to watch the play on Tuesday 17th at 2pm and Wednesday 18th at 6pm. Children in classes 1 & 2 will have...
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Parents’ Questionnaire – Summer Term 2018 Results

As part of our annual cycle of self-evaluation we have asked parents/carers for their feedback. We are really pleased to say that there has been an overwhelmingly positive response to our questionnaires (we received 36 paper & 12 online responses). Please click the link below for the results of the most recent survey: Parents’ Questionnaire...
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Ghana Footwear Appeal

We are once again supporting the Ghana Footwear Appeal, which this year also includes a request for Early Years children’s story books and mobile phones.  Please see the attached poster for more details. Please can all items be brought into school during week commencing 9th July for collection at the end of that week. PLEASE...
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Carlton Lodge 2018

I have just received the following information and photograph from Mrs. Chandler: All safely arrived at Carlton Lodge! The sun is shining and we’re currently doing challenge course and problem solving activities! Looking forward to our tea tonight!
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East Barnby 2018

Our Year 6’s have arrived at East Barnby; their beds are made (a challenging task for some) and everyone is looking forward to their afternoon activities.  The weather is a little dull – lets hope for some improvements over the week…
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Scafell Pike – we did it!

I would like to say thank you to all those who generously sponsored us. £290 has now been raised – the final total will go directly to CHASA (Crayke Home and School Association).  Please remember that donations can still be made at: Our challenge took us to the summit of the highest mountain in England,...
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