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Achievement Assemblies – Summer Term (second half)

Here are the dates for this half-terms Achievement Assemblies.  Please note that, due to a very busy half-term, Class 1’s achievement assembly will take place on a Tuesday morning rather than a Friday. Friday 30th June – Class 3 Tuesday 4th July – Class 1 Friday 7th July – Class 4 Friday 14th July – Class 2
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Dinner Money for this half-term – Summer 2017 (2)

There are various events/trips/transition days planned for this half-term, so please select the option below that applies to your child. Should you have any questions, please contact Mrs Bacon. Years 3 & 4 Dinner money due for this half-term  is £71.40 (7 weeks less 1 day for the trip to Beamish). Year 5  Dinner money due...
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Summer Sun Safety

I would just like to remind parents/carers that as the weather heats up (and long may it last), children need to be protected from the sun during their time at school, as they will be outside for both playtimes, P.E. lessons and other learning opportunities. An application of sun cream before coming to school should...
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Shoes for Ghana

Once again we will be helping children in Ghana by collecting any unwanted shoes, trainers or football boots. Further details are on the attached flyer and also on the noticeboard. Donations can be left in the school office over the coming weeks and will be collected before the end of the summer term. Ghana Scanned Poster Many...
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Carlton Lodge Parents’ Meeting (Year 5)

We will be holding a meeting in school on Thursday 18th May at 3.45p.m. for parents/carers to discuss the upcoming residential to Carlton Lodge. At the meeting we will be able to show you photographs from last year’s residential and give you some general information. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask...
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Term Dates 2017/18

  Autumn Term  Tuesday, 5th September to Friday, 22nd December, 2017 Half Term –  Monday, 23rd October to return on Monday, 30th October   Spring Term Tuesday, 9th January to Thursday, 29th March, 2018 Half Term  – Monday, 12th February to return on Monday, 19th February   Summer Term Tuesday, 17th April to Friday, 20th July, 2018...
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Achievement Assemblies Summer Term 2017

Due to a short half-term and the KS1 and KS2 SATS , there will be no achievement assemblies held during the first half of this summer term. Achievement assemblies for all classes will take place in the second half of the summer term.  
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Year 5 and Year 6 statutory curriculum word lists (Class 4 only)

As children in Class 4 might have mentioned, we have been assessing them against the statutory word lists for their year groups.  I was hugely impressed with the improvements the majority of children have made when partially reassessed today. Please follow the links below which allow the children to practice in their own time: Y5...
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Dinner money for this half-term – Summer 2017(1)

Dinner money due for this half-term for children in Class 3 and 4 is £48.30 (5 weeks less 2 days for the training day and May Day Bank Holiday)   Cheques should be made payable to NYCC. If your child/ren have any dinner money credit from last term, you will have received a slip in...
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