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Internet Safety Evening

Following the lack of attendance at last night’s meeting, all future information based meetings will have an email booking system.  If there’s insufficient interest the meeting won’t take place.
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Lost Flashing Fish Ball

If your child has lost a small plastic ball with water and fish in that flashes when tapped, please see Mrs Bacon in the office.  It was found at the beginning of this week on the playground.
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Growing Up In North Yorkshire Survey Results

Following an online questionnaire, which was completed by our Year 6 pupils from last academic year, we have received a report which focuses on personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education and wellbeing. The report compares the responses from 13 pupils from Crayke with 4266 responses from other children in North Yorkshire. As you will...
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Internet Safety Evening

I will be running an information evening for parents/ carers on Thursday 9th March at 6pm.  As part of the evening I will be covering a range of internet based topics, which will all be linked to theme of keeping your children safe online. I hope lots of you will be able to attend.
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Book Swap

As we celebrate World Book Day, just to remind you that we now have a great selection of books in the school reception area for children to borrow. There is no need to bring a book in, children can simply borrow a book and then swap it for another. A number of children have chosen...
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Mrs Yate’s Easter Competition

As in previous years, Mrs. Yates, our school cook, is launching an Easter competition, the closing date for which is Monday, 3rd April, with the prize winners being announced after lunch on the last day of term. Classes 1 and 2 children are asked to design an Easter Bunny. Classes 3 and 4 children are...
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Parents’ Evenings

Parents’ Evenings this term are on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March, depending on which class your child is in, starting at 3.50pm. Time sheets will be available from next Monday (6th March) in the entrance hall for parents to place their name against the most convenient time period. Due to Parents’ Evening, there will...
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Sharing Our Headteacher (Confederation)

Please find the attached letter from Hugh Porter (Chair of Governors) explaining arrangements from September 2017. Sharing Our Headteacher
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Achievement Assemblies Spring Term 2017 – Second Half

Here are the dates for this half-terms Achievement Assemblies – Friday 17th March – Class 3 Friday 24th March – Class 4 Friday 31st March – Class 1 Friday 7th April – Class 2
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World Book Day 2017

Just a reminder that we will be celebrating World Book Day this Friday 3rd March.  Please can children bring in a favourite bed-time story, a teddy and come to school in PJ’s, onesies/dressing gowns (suitably warm as it is only March).  They will need to wear school shoes on their feet. Many thanks, we’ll have a...
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