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Christmas Party – Wednesday, 14th December

The children will be having their school Christmas party on Wednesday, 14th December (in the afternoon). As this is the same day as the school Christmas Dinner, it will not be necessary for the children to bring any food/drink, as in previous years. Party clothing can be brought in a carrier bag and children will...
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Sports Team Kit

Thank you to those who brought sports kit back to school today, however we are still missing the ‘number 3’ kit (shorts and top) plus 1 pair of shorts. We should be most grateful if you could have another check at home to see if you have these missing items, and bring them into school...
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KS1 Nativity Performance of ‘Baubles’ Today

The much anticipated KS1 nativity performance of ‘Baubles’ will take place in the school hall at 2.30pm today. Please arrive no later than 2.25pm so that you are seated in time for the start of the performance – many thanks.  
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School Team Sports Kit Amnesty

If anyone has any school sports kit at home, please can you bring it back to school tomorrow, as we will need it for the TAG Rugby tournament on Wednesday this week. Many thanks.
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Minster FM Toy Appeal – Collection Date 8th December

Just a reminder that, this Christmas, Crayke Church of England Primary School have decided to support the Minster FM Toy Appeal. ‘While most of us look forward to Christmas there are some children for whom it is just another day. Every year there are families who through no fault of their own dread the thought...
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Donated Christmas Tree

Once again this year we have been kindly donated a Christmas tree, for the school hall, from Newburgh Priory Christmas Trees; a flyer about their Christmas trees and shop will be coming home with the children.
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Easingwold School Update Letter

We have been asked to distribute the attached letter by Easingwold School giving you a update on the current situation on developments at the school. letter-to-parents-1-dec-16  
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Urgent Appeal for a Christmas Tree for KS1’s Performance

Do you have an artificial Christmas Tree that you would be willing to donate or lend to school for our KS1 performance? Ideally green, and no bigger than 5ft and if it could be delivered to school by 3.30pm today that would be great.  If on loan, it could be returned on Thursday next week....
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Sickness In School

It is that time of year again when the children are suffering from various sickness bugs and cold viruses.  The cold virus going around at the moment seems to be quite aggressive, with children suffering from high temperatures and generally feeling very unwell, so if that is the case, you need to decide whether it...
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Class 4 Achievement Assembly 24th November

Just a reminder that Class 4’s Achievement Assembly will take place tomorrow – Thursday 24th November. If your child/ren have any certificates they would like handed out in the assembly, please bring them into school this afternoon or first thing in the morning.
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