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Tennis lessons for Class 3 only

Class 3 will be starting tennis lessons at Crayke Sports Hall on Tuesday 7th June, so please can parents/carers make sure that their child/ren have their full P.E. kit in school on that day and every Tuesday until the end of term. Many thanks.
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Team Point Winners This Week

As Mr Buttery is still away with the Year 6 children in East Barnby, there will be no Chronicle this week.  However, we are delighted to report that Yellow Team are the winners of this week’s team points. We wish you all a great half-term holiday next week and let’s hope we get some nice...
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The Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration

To celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday we are planning on holding a street party style afternoon tea at school on Friday 10th June. In each class, we will be spending the morning making our own decorations and delicious goodies to share together in the afternoon.   For this to be possible we would kindly request a...
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Whole School Photograph

Tempest Photography will be taking a whole school photograph on the morning of  Thursday 9th June, so please can you make sure your child has their school sweatshirt in school on that day, so we all look great for the photograph! Many thanks.
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Year 6 Pupils at East Barnby

We have just received the following picture from Mr Buttery at East Barnby.  Everyone has settled in really well and they are looking forward to the afternoon activities. Also just to let you know, as Mr Buttery is away at East Barnby, there will be no Chronicle this week.  
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Parking Outside School

A local resident who lives across the road from the school,  has complained about parents/carers parking in front of their driveway at school drop-off/collection time, so that they are unable to get in or out of their drive. Please can we ask you to be considerate of where you park and avoid blocking any resident’s...
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Charitable Event Saturday 21st May

We have been asked by a parent to promote a charitable event on Saturday 21st May in aid of Macmillan Cancer Care  – please see attached flyer.
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Water Bottles

Now that the warm weather is here, please can you ensure that children come to school with a water bottle each day.  There is ample opportunity for these to be topped up throughout the day.
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Key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test

Following recent media coverage, I would like to make parents/carers aware of the following statement from Jennifer Coupland, Standards and Testing Agency’s Chief Executive: “Last night I was made aware that Pearson, our external marking supplier, mistakenly uploaded the KS2 grammar, punctuation and spelling test onto its secure marker site. This was only accessible, via...
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Class 4 – No Homework Club This Week

As the children have all worked so hard this week, there will be no homework club this Thursday, 12th May. Homework club will resume next Thursday, 19th May, when Year 5 pupils are welcome to rejoin.
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