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Parents Evening Monday March 11th

We are holding a Spring term pupil progress meeting for all parents on Monday March 11th. This is an opportunity for you as parents to discuss with your child’s teacher the progress your child has made and any ways that you can help your child at home. Please can you respond to the school by email...
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Y5/6 Theatre trip – THIS WEEK!

We have been offered the fantastic opportunity to take the Y5/6 class to see the play Goodnight Mister Tom at Grand Opera House York, this Thursday 28th February. We will be leaving school for the 1pm matinee and will return to school at 4pm. The children will require a pack up. The cost for both...
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Superhero tea party – Class 1 invite!

As a parent, governor, grandparent or sibling of a member in class 1, you are cordially invited to the event of the month – The Superhero Tea Party – Tuesday 12th February 2.15pm-3.30pm, Class 1. Not only is this an opportunity to see all the ‘superheroes’ in the class and enjoy a piece of cake and a cup...
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Website – permissions

Now that our website is in full swing and we are keen to start involving the children and sharing with you lots that goes on in school, we would like to revise our records.  This is to enable us to share with you experiences such as the children singing at the Induction Service of Rev....
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Important Date for the Diary….Friday 8th March 2.30-3.30pm

Please keep this date in your diary……more details to follow but this is an occasion you won’t want to miss!
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Year 3/4 Visit to National Railway Museum

Class 3 will be visiting the National Railway Museum on Monday, 21st January, 2013.  In order for this trip to go ahead, a voluntary contribution of £5 will be needed by parents with a confirmation e-mail or signed letter giving permission.
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