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Evening Update Robinwood Day 2

What an action packed day! The children have continued to be exceptional. This afternoon’s activities have included: archery, night line, crate challenge, piranha pool and team challenges.  The group have continued to impress and amaze us with their resilience, encouragement, listening skills and general all round loveliness. Here’s a snap shot of this afternoon including...
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Robinwood – Lunchtime update Day 2

Good afternoon, Giant swing and trapeze all done this morning – now for archery!  
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Robinwood Evening Update – Day 1

What a busy afternoon! So far we have done raft building, caving, knight’s quest and dungeon challenge before our evening meal of pizza and ice cream. After dinner it was time for team activities, hot chocolate and a review of the day.  They are currently getting ready for bed. Every adult who has interacted with...
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Lunchtime at Robinwood!

We are here, we are safe and we are about to eat! Raft building after lunch – we can’t wait!
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Crayke Chronicle Friday 10 June 2022

Crayke Chronicle 10.06.22 WORD Crayke Chronicle 10.06.22 PDF
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Create and Pray After School Session – Thursday 16 June 2022

Good afternoon, Please see attached poster with information about an exciting opportunity happening next Thursday after school.  Places need to be booked in advance and children need to be accompanied throughout the session by an adult. Crayke Poster    
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Holly Class Rock Stars!

Holly class look absolutely fantastic this morning – they’re all set and ready for their special Rock Stars day and we are sure that they will have a brilliant day to remember!
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Dinner Money Summer Term 2 2022

Dear Parents/Carers Dinner money for the second half of this term (7 weeks from 6 June to 22 July) is now due for children in Holly and Oak Class. The total amount for the 7 weeks for children in Years 3 and 4 is £94.50, for children in Year 5 is £91.80 (excludes 1 day...
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Jubilee Celebrations Crayke Style

What a magnificent Jubilee Day in school today! The site looks resplendent in red, white and blue and with all the hand created bunting by the children. The Jubilee Picnic Lunch was a real success with Ted declaring that it was “absolutely delicious!” We were thrilled to welcome so many parents, carers and friends of...
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Crayke Chronicle Friday 27 May 2022

Crayke Chronicle 27.05.22 WORD Crayke Chronicle 27.05.22 PDF  
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