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Updated Term Dates 2021/22

To celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, there will be an additional Bank Holiday on Thursday 2 June 2022.  This day falls within the half term holiday so it has been confirmed that the official last day of term will now be Monday 25 July 2022.  Therefore, Monday 25 April 2022 will now be an INSET...
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Crayke Chronicle Friday 15 October 2021

Crayke Chronicle 15.10.21 Reception starters letter for parents – September 2022
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Crayke Chronicle Friday 8 October 2021

Please find a link below to this week’s Crayke Chronicle and also to the North Yorkshire County Caterer’s autumn newsletter. Crayke Chronicle 08.10.21 NYES CATERING – AUTUMN NEWSLETTER PDF
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Skipathon – tomorrow

Good morning, We are really looking forward to our sponsored skipping event tomorrow in school. Sponsorship money can be brought in at any time up until Thursday 22 October.  Here’s a copy of the sponsorship form in case you need another one: Sponsorship form sponsored skip Thank you for your support Judi Jackson and Caroline Helfferich...
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Summer Reading Challenge Certificates

We are really looking forward to welcoming Mrs Braidwood from Easingwold Library into school on Friday to present certificates to the children who completed the Summer Reading Challenge this summer.  If your child received their certificate directly, please do ask them to bring it in so that we can celebrate their achievements along with everyone...
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Dinner Money Autumn Term 1 (Part 2) 4 – 21 October 2021

Dinner money for this half term for children in Class 3 and Class 4 has been split into 2 halves.  The second half is for the period 4 – 21 October 2021 inclusive and the total payable is £37.80.  All dinner money to be paid via your ParentPay account as usual.  If you have any...
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Launch of Sponsored Skipping Event

Good morning, This afternoon your child will be bringing home a letter with details about a really exciting whole school sponsored skipping event.  An electronic copy of the letter and sponsorship form can be found below. We would be so grateful for your support with this. Sponsored skip letter Sponsorship form sponsored skip With best...
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