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Crayke Chronicle 10th July

Crayke-Chronicle-10.07.20 Free School Meals July 20 Free-School-Meals-form-2020 Holiday Club Letter Crayke Primary 20.7.20 to 24.7.20
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Mrs Yates Recipes

Two more recipes for those budding young chefs out there…
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End of term arrangements

Good morning everybody, As the end of the summer term draws near, we wanted to let you know about some upcoming arrangements. School reports will be making their way to you soon.  If your child, or their sibling, is in school, you will receive the report via pupil post tomorrow (or Friday, if they are...
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Summer Holiday provision

Good afternoon, As mentioned in yesterday’s newsletter, North Yorkshire County Council are bringing together a directory for childcare which will hopefully support parents and carers for the summer holidays. Please click on this link for a county-wide community directory at which has information about a variety organisations providing support over this period.  
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Home Learning w/c 6th July

Please find attached the home learning packs for next week’s topic on Music – enjoy! Week 6 Class 1 Week 6 Class 2 Week 6 Class 3 Week 6 Class 4  
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More Recipes from Mrs Yates

  Mrs Jackson and Mrs Bacon can testify –  after quality control testing this week – that the Granny’s Crunch are delicious!  
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Cressida’s Creativity Summer Camp 6 – 10 July

Calling all parents/carers, With the summer holidays only two weeks away, it may be a challenge to motivate your child to do some high quality writing or drawing. The Book Trust and children’s laureate Cressida Cowell have come up with a fantastic ‘Creativity Summer Camp’ to help children and it starts on Monday! Throughout the...
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For Year 5 and 6 parents/carers: Books

Dear Parents/Carers Shortly before ‘lockdown,’ we were lucky enough to receive a large box full of books signed by authors, which were dedicated especially to our school. At this point not all of the children were in school, but those who were, got to borrow one of these books. If your child borrowed one of...
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Home Learning w/c 29 June 2020

Good morning, Please find attached learning packs for next week.  Enjoy! Week 5 Class 1 Week 5 Class 2 Week 5 Class 3 Week 5 Class 4  
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