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East Barnby

I would like to make parents/carers aware that as I am accompanying Crayke’s Year 6 pupils to East Barnby next week, there will be no Touch Rugby or Run a Mile clubs. In addition, the next Crayke Chronicle will not be posted until Friday 21st June.
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Ghana Footwear Appeal

We are once again supporting the Ghana Footwear Appeal, which  also includes a request for Early Years children’s story books and mobile phones.  Please see the attached poster for more details. Please can all items be brought into school during week commencing 8th July for collection at the end of that week. PLEASE HELP –...
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Year 6 East Barnby Residential (10th–14th June)

The Year 6 residential week at East Barnby is fast approaching and I’m sure everyone will be looking forward to it.  Here are just a few reminders: We will be leaving school on Monday 10th June at 8.20am promptly and should be back on Friday 14th June at approximately 4.00pm. Attached is a Kit List – the...
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Dinner Money Summer Term 2019 (2nd half)

Dinner money for the summer term – second half – will be due week commencing 3rd June for children in Class 3 and Class 4. Class 3 – Years 3 and 4 The total amount due is £87.50, which is for 7 weeks. Class 4 – Year 5 The total amount due is £80.00, which...
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School Dinner Money Increase from September 2019

Please see the attached letter detailing the increase in the cost of school dinners from September 2019: Dinner money increase  
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Sun protection and water bottles

With the arrival of sunny weather it is really important that each child brings a water bottle to school. We have a water cooler for the children to access fresh water, however, it is unhygienic to provide cups in school.  Please ensure the water bottle is clearly named. Also be mindful of our south facing...
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Letter from the Chair of Governors

Please see the attached letter from Hugh Porter (Chair of Governors): Mr. Buttery  
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Dinner Money Reminder

Just a reminder that as we are now 2 weeks into this half-term (if you haven’t already done so) please can you settle your dinner money payment as soon as possible (only 2 weeks remaining). Many thanks
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Car Parking Outside School

Just a quick reminder of the system for parking in the lay-by.  There are three lanes in the lay-by – the lane nearest to the main road and the shrub border, together with the middle lane, is for staff and visitor parking.  The third lane nearest to the pavement is allocated for parents to drive...
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Parents’ Questionnaire Summer Term 2019

As part of our annual cycle of self-evaluation, we are as usual keen to seek the views of parents/carers regarding the strengths of the school and suggested areas for further development. We would appreciate it if you could complete and return this questionnaire to school; your views are very important to us. The questionnaire will...
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