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Welcome Back – New Academic Year 2018/19

The staff at Crayke Church of England Primary School would like to extend a warm welcome to children, parents/carers and members of the local school community for the new academic year. We trust that you have all had a very happy and restful summer break, and that you are ready to embrace the new school...
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Robin Hood

Thank you to everyone who came to watch our Key Stage Two productions of Robin Hood. Lots of people have commented on the children’s exceptional voices, acting ability and dancing – I am sure you will agree that they did an amazing job! Special thanks also to all the children and staff who worked extremely...
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Summer Production of Robin Hood

The older children (and staff) are working really hard towards their production of “Robin Hood” and I know you will enjoy their endeavours. The dress rehearsal takes place on Monday 16th July. The first performance is on Tuesday 17th July at 2.00pm, with the evening performance starting at 6.00pm on Wednesday 18th July. Costumes Most...
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Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Rayner

I am pleased to inform you that Ethan Rayner was born on Saturday morning at 2.45am – weighing 7lbs 9oz! Both mother and baby are doing really well…
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Reminder: Ghana Footwear Appeal

Just a reminder, that once again, we are supporting the Ghana Footwear Appeal, which this year also includes a request for Early Years children’s story books and mobile phones.  Please see the attached poster for more details. Please can all items be brought into school during week commencing 9th July for collection at the end...
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Whole School Photograph – Ready To View

The whole school photograph for this academic year is now available to view in the school office, together with an example of the black scroll presentation box. Order forms will be sent out in book bags today and should be returned to school by Friday 13th July.
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Robin Hood

Pupils & staff in Key Stage Two having been working hard to rehearse for our summer production of Robin Hood. Following the dress rehearsal on Monday 16th July there will be the opportunity to watch the play on Tuesday 17th at 2pm and Wednesday 18th at 6pm. Children in classes 1 & 2 will have...
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Reminder: Front Entrance Door

With all the events currently taking place at school, please can we remind all parents that they should not admit anyone into school using the green button in the office, even if they know who they are.  If a member of staff is not currently available, please wait and someone will be with you as...
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School Council Meetings

I would like to make parents/carers, who have children that are part of our School Council, aware that there will be no more meetings this term. The children who have represented the school council this academic year have done an amazing job, which has resulted in a range of impressive achievements. Elections for new school...
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Sports Day

As you may be aware, the warm weather we are currently experiencing is forecast to continue throughout this week, until rain moves in next week.  With this in mind (and with temperatures predicted to be lower tomorrow) we will be going ahead with our picnic lunch and Sports Day. School will provide pupils with a...
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